Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
*puts up flame shield*
Kanon is my least favorite character so far... This is coming from someone who read past this point in the manga. Really? A FEW people don't notice you, your band breaks up, you make a few mistakes here and there and you go absolutely emo over it? *facepalm*... The previous girls actually had a problem she just an attention whore.
*I always try to let people see this from another perspective.*
Well, I see that her problem isn't because she's an attention whore" but more about people actually ignoring her and doesn't realize her presence, resulting in her "attention whore" status, Which came from her fear of being unnoticed and forgotten, which is normal for humans. Humans are basically social beings who is always directly or indirectly yearns for attention.
it's just that her extreme insecurity caused the gap in her heart to appear and grow bigger and stronger.
Now from her past perspective
In Citron, Kanon was hoping that she could be famous and well known, but the fact is Citron was made to let one of it's members famous, this mean that all her effort was for nothing, and don't know why people, started ignoring her more than before she was in Citron, resulting in her extreme fear of being ignored and the gap in her heart.
My usual thinking pattern is, "before hating someone, learn the cause first", because is it worth hating something like this? After learning, then I can safely hate/like someone, and because of that I can enjoy the anime more.