[Locked] Discussion: Unlicensed Content Removal

Daiz FAKKU Developer
gizgal wrote...
Prior to scanlation takedown, would it be possible for you to create a feature to export a text-only list of Title/Author/Genre favorites on one's list?

You can export your favorites as JSON by going to your Favorites/Collections and clicking Export Collection. (You can open the JSON file with any text editor and format it in a nicer way with something like JSONLint for example.)
Chocobandit19 wrote...
First of all I wanna give the Fakku team props. It takes a lot of initiative to make this kind of change, especially when it is going to hurt the site in the short term. Nothing but respect to you guys for that.

Secondly, I'm afraid I won't be coming here much anymore. I'm a college student and I just can't fit paying for porn into my budget and feel good about it.

I really hope things go well and you guys find a way to keep this site wonderful. Best of luck guys and gals. You've earned more praise than I can give.

I wish more people had such a mature outlook on this transition. Who knows? Maybe when you have a more steady income the amount of content will entice you back. Either way, good luck on your college excursion!
legendofzeroone wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
legendofzeroone wrote...
My biggest reservation about the removal of scanlated works is Doujins (which is a significant portion of my reading). Unfortunately there won't be any place in the new world for these things.


I still want my doujins in English. Make it happen. Please.

It's not like doujinshi translations will stop.
Volaverunt wrote...
legendofzeroone wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
legendofzeroone wrote...
My biggest reservation about the removal of scanlated works is Doujins (which is a significant portion of my reading). Unfortunately there won't be any place in the new world for these things.


I still want my doujins in English. Make it happen. Please.

It's not like doujinshi translations will stop.

They'll stop on Fakku.
legendofzeroone wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
legendofzeroone wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
legendofzeroone wrote...
My biggest reservation about the removal of scanlated works is Doujins (which is a significant portion of my reading). Unfortunately there won't be any place in the new world for these things.


I still want my doujins in English. Make it happen. Please.

It's not like doujinshi translations will stop.

They'll stop on Fakku.

Wow what a big loss.
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/AMsbCbL.png
Fakku Transfer Userscript
I made a script that will search other hentai sites for all of your favorites, so you don't lose them when they get cleared.
It adds a little bar to the bottom of the favorites/collection pages, and lets you select the site you want to search.
Sorcerer wrote...
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/AMsbCbL.png
Fakku Transfer Userscript
I made a script that will search other hentai sites for all of your favorites, so you don't lose them when they get cleared.
It adds a little bar to the bottom of the favorites/collection pages, and lets you select the site you want to search.

fuq. Need to sign up, and large amount of cbf for signing up to another website. I'm a little lazy
Drifter995 wrote...
Sorcerer wrote...
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/AMsbCbL.png
Fakku Transfer Userscript
I made a script that will search other hentai sites for all of your favorites, so you don't lose them when they get cleared.
It adds a little bar to the bottom of the favorites/collection pages, and lets you select the site you want to search.

fuq. Need to sign up, and large amount of cbf for signing up to another website. I'm a little lazy

Sorry about that, I guess they don't show adult scripts without login :[
Sorcerer wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
Sorcerer wrote...
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/AMsbCbL.png
Fakku Transfer Userscript
I made a script that will search other hentai sites for all of your favorites, so you don't lose them when they get cleared.
It adds a little bar to the bottom of the favorites/collection pages, and lets you select the site you want to search.

fuq. Need to sign up, and large amount of cbf for signing up to another website. I'm a little lazy

Sorry about that, I guess they don't show adult scripts without login :[

So, how does it work? Just like an addon to your browser? Or it works with the site for it?
So it seems after like 7 years, i will not be coming back to this website. Its a shame, but 12.95 is not worth it to me. Especially since my fave' artist work's are not even all here. It really blows man. So go make me sad its fine
ksiyas Kanadefanboy
Thank god I kept a rainy day fund (a really big one).... And when is fakku sub stuff going to be downloadable? :p Also... I really hate that Im still going to be giving you guys 12.95 a month lol. What you guys are doing is good, but removing this content is just wrong. Oh... and doujin is really important to us hentai fappers... You understand that we are just going to be doing the unlicensed browsing on other sites right? Why not make it your reputable site, potentialy earning subscribers through that unlicensed, free content? I NEVER would have started looking at this stuff if it wasnt free. Now Im a dedicated subscriber lol ( except your site seems to hate my cards .-.).

Also, It just feels like you abandoned the scanlators for your own personal gains. You owe your existence to them. you claim that your reasons are based on morals...
Jacob wrote...
Joker500 wrote...
Can you give a clear answer as to why doujinshi is being removed when it doesn't harm the industry at all? This isn't a case about them being unlicensed but harmful. I honestly do not get why they are being removed.

Removing doujinshi is more of a morale decision than a legal one. There will come a point where FAKKU should only have licensed content. Thankfully, we'll be bringing a lot of legal doujinshi to the website (both free and paid), the first two are Cure Assort and Bosshi's XXX MiX.
Morally, it would be wrong for you guys to get rid of them. Granted, everyone wants to put themselves on top, but you guys are clearly doing just fine even with unlicensed scanlators doing their thing (you guys have been going on about how well you are doing). Plenty of licensing is going on with or without them being gone.

That said.. Im still going to be a sub because of that glorious uncensored hentai, and shall hate myself a bit for it. I am weak.
The reason they aren't doing doujinshi anymore is because it falls into a grey area, and many companies don't like it much/ it can cause legal issues in the us. It can come under copywrite and some other things.

Other than that, having unlicensed scanlations also means other companies won't touch the company with a 10 foot pole. Jacob was lucky wani agreed to the deal with the books honestly. Dealing with a site that is known for stealing your work (and others work) is a risky move. It's also pointless if that site has your work for free, whilst you're selling it, nobody would buy your work. So, to get more deals, you have to go fully legit. Nobody likes going into business with a shady business. Why would you? It's a bad rep. Hopefully with the few mags and books fakku can get a good rep with the businesses and hone in on more mags, more publishers, and we'll eventually get a massive array of content. There's already a fair bit of content as is. Odds are too, once they get more deals, they'll need more staff, which I assume scanlators could come into it.

So yeah, as Jacob has said many times before, fakku won't be able to continue offering pirated content and paid content, as it'll just hurt them. It's not the main reason they are going legit (that is partly wani and their dmca notice, which if not handled correctly, does shut down sites, among other things), but it's a reason as far as I'm aware from my memory
boltsandguns Electroshock TheRapist
ksiyas wrote...

Jacob wrote...
Joker500 wrote...
Can you give a clear answer as to why doujinshi is being removed when it doesn't harm the industry at all? This isn't a case about them being unlicensed but harmful. I honestly do not get why they are being removed.

Removing doujinshi is more of a morale decision than a legal one. There will come a point where FAKKU should only have licensed content. Thankfully, we'll be bringing a lot of legal doujinshi to the website (both free and paid), the first two are Cure Assort and Bosshi's XXX MiX.
Morally, it would be wrong for you guys to get rid of them. Granted, everyone wants to put themselves on top, but you guys are clearly doing just fine even with unlicensed scanlators doing their thing (you guys have been going on about how well you are doing). Plenty of licensing is going on with or without them being gone.

It is not morally okay to host content without an artist permission. There is nothing wrong with removing content you do not have permission for, in fact its the moral thing to do.

Also as an aside Jacob said morale, as in team spirit, I assume he was thinking along the lines of 'My employees will feel a lot better if everything we host is stuff we worked with artists on.' kind of thing(i don't know for sure of course).
YQII FAKKU Translator
Some won't believe this, but the removal of scanlations have very little to do with selling more books or anything like that. It's an unfortunate but necessary step that will open up a lot of possibilities for us to work with other publishers and other media, as well as updating the site with newer features.

As for scanlators, I honestly don't think we're abandoning or turning our back towards them. To be clear, we have to remove it from our site, but we're not trying to stop anyone from translating whatever they want. We're not demonizing scanlation at all, and most people here believe that fan translations are needed when there's no other alternative. Our long-term goal is to provide that alternative, and the community needs scanlators in the meantime.

I believe they still have a role to play even afterwards; if the quality of the legal option is lacking, and fans can provide a better product, they should do so in my opinion. We could've done the bare minimum and pump out a book every week to (potentially) maximize profits, but we chose to not cut corners and make it the best we could, and I think that's why so many out there choose to support what we're doing. This is a much healthier approach than trying to stomp out every scanlation group out there.

A lot of the people working here have a history in scanlations, but I think the biggest hurdle is for typesetters, since they need to be able to use InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. If you're a scanlator and you are serious about wanting to be part of what we're doing, my biggest advise is to learn those programs, because someone with expertise in the Adobe Suite and scanlation experience is an ideal applicant for us.
YQII wrote...
We're not demonizing scanlation at all, and most people here believe that fan translations are needed when there's no other alternative.

You mean there are some who don't?
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
YQII wrote...

If you guys were to pump out books with the lack of quality we've seen so far I think a lot of us wouldn't of started supporting you. I'm very satisfied with the quality of the books especially the typesetting and the physical book itself.

When I look at the typesetting in the books it feels lively and fits the original style unlike Project-H who just use commonly used fonts that every scanlator uses.
YQII FAKKU Translator
Volaverunt wrote...
YQII wrote...
We're not demonizing scanlation at all, and most people here believe that fan translations are needed when there's no other alternative.

You mean there are some who don't?

Could've phrased that better. I just meant I haven't gotten everyone's opinion on this subject, but I have yet to hear anyone say that scanlations are a bad thing.

The only negative impact that I can think of is that some criticize us for translating books that have been scanlated in the past. However, I think that's a silly argument when you compare the quality of the two, and it shows we're doing a decent job when that's all that's left for critics to complain about. Besides, a lot of the requests we get are for fully scanlated books, so it's obvious people don't want to settle for "acceptable" and want proper releases for their favorite titles.

Hanayome wrote...
If you guys were to pump out books with the lack of quality we've seen so far I think a lot of us wouldn't of started supporting you. I'm very satisfied with the quality of the books especially the typesetting and the physical book itself.

I'm glad to hear that. It's always been our policy to provide a better service, and this is why we're not concerned with scanlations.
YQII wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
YQII wrote...
We're not demonizing scanlation at all, and most people here believe that fan translations are needed when there's no other alternative.

You mean there are some who don't?

Could've phrased that better. I just meant I haven't gotten everyone's opinion on this subject, but I have yet to hear anyone say that scanlations are a bad thing.

The only negative impact that I can think of is that some criticize us for translating books that have been scanlated in the past. However, I think that's a silly argument when you compare the quality of the two, and it shows were doing a decent job when that's all that's left for critics to complain about. Besides, a lot of the requests we get are for fully scanlated books, so it's obvious people don't want to settle for "acceptable" and want proper releases for their favorite titles.

Well, people will always complain no matter what, and I bet you know it very well.
Just keep doing the good work.
Drifter995 wrote...
Sorcerer wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
Sorcerer wrote...
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/AMsbCbL.png
Fakku Transfer Userscript
I made a script that will search other hentai sites for all of your favorites, so you don't lose them when they get cleared.
It adds a little bar to the bottom of the favorites/collection pages, and lets you select the site you want to search.

fuq. Need to sign up, and large amount of cbf for signing up to another website. I'm a little lazy

Sorry about that, I guess they don't show adult scripts without login :[

So, how does it work? Just like an addon to your browser? Or it works with the site for it?

It's a userscript (a small javascript file), so you need an addon like greasemonkey/tampermonkey or some such program to run it. (though I think Chrome can run them without an addon.
When you go to your favorites page, the site loads, then the script runs and adds a button at the bottom so you can mass search another site for all the titles. It's totally separate from Fakku.

If you have more than two pages of favorites then it'll be worth installing ^ ^
Volaverunt wrote...
legendofzeroone wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
legendofzeroone wrote...
I still want my doujins in English. Make it happen. Please.

It's not like doujinshi translations will stop.

They'll stop on Fakku.

Wow what a big loss.

Considering that Jacob started Fakku just so he could get more Asuka, I'd say it's not an ignorable loss. Parody doujins have always been at the core of Fakku from Day 1 and now they're going away.

YQII wrote...
The only negative impact that I can think of is that some criticize us for translating books that have been scanlated in the past. However, I think that's a silly argument when you compare the quality of the two, and it shows we're doing a decent job when that's all that's left for critics to complain about. Besides, a lot of the requests we get are for fully scanlated books, so it's obvious people don't want to settle for "acceptable" and want proper releases for their favorite titles.

Like for example: why did TiTiKEi take so long to publish when it was already scanlated by yours truly. But yes a proper release needs to be: a legitimate release and if you're going to be making a print version it also needs to exceed the scanlated version.

I think more people are more aware of existing (scanalated) books that they enjoyed and so tend to base their requests on their known wants/needs rather than the unknown ones. If they don't know such and such published a chapter in the latest such and such magazine, they're not going to request it. If they had enough Fluency in Japanese to know about it, well then they probably wouldn't be requesting it either. But I don't think requests for licensed releases of already scanlated works is going to go away. People want to see the works they love available, legally.
Monster Girl
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