[Locked] Discussion: Unlicensed Content Removal

binary_cpu wrote...
A previously great thing has been destroyed by commercialism and greed - don't think this model will be sustainable. You are never going to win, and will eventually regret years later the businessfag politics and white-knight morals that led you to disaster.

Whos greed? Jacobs greed of trying to make a living through his own business? Or your greed of wanting to get something for free that others are willing to pay for?

A lot of the time people complaining about commercialism are people who totally suck at it. You are not capable of making money from something while others are, you blame them of selling out, specially when somebody makes money from something you can get for free.

Maybe its time to stop living on your parents well-fare and start living on your own so you understand your own bias better?
Wow. That's... an interesting decision to make for the future of the site, but pretty much the entire lot of material I favored("monster girl") has been obliterated in the meanwhile. Kind of disheartening on a personal level, especially as things roll toward a paid structure for access to good stuff down the road. But I can always look elsewhere and this sounds like it'll be good for the site.

Huh. Kind of a 'so long and thanks for the all fish' moment I guess.
I see the word licensed and then think, "Man, I'm going to have to pay everything eventually." I understand that this is a business and Jacob wants to make money (who doesn't), but free hentai with good translations (most of the time) and a good selection is why I came here. If unlicensed content completely disappears and I have to start paying for everything, then I will be departing Fakku. I wish you all the best of luck when that time comes.
So, yeah, been gone a while so I need someone to clear something up for me. Is Fakku going to be charging us to read manga and, if not, is there any hope of the incest tag returning?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
DiggertheMole wrote...
So, yeah, been gone a while so I need someone to clear something up for me. Is Fakku going to be charging us to read manga and, if not, is there any hope of the incest tag returning?
Yes, right now it's licensed books and a magazine subscription(Includes uncensored translations of Comic X-eros and Comic Kairakuten). Yes, the unlisted tags will be coming back. There has been talk about offering free content, I'm unsure of the details though.
YQII FAKKU Translator
We're already offering free chapters to users who have bought a book in the past, but we want to introduce some sort of system for free content for everyone after the subscription service goes live.
I'm just throwing a little idea i had about the removed Manga/doujinshi.
What about a list of what was removed from the site? Maybe until December so the old user can save the title they did not put on their favorites (yes, i was stupid)?
Maybe it's a bad idea cause it do not solve the problem or even it can go in contrast with the current line of though of Fakku but maybe many people will stop complain.

Anyways i will not comment this whole idea (the new Fakku line of work) cause i do know how the Licensed Stuff work for editors and such. More importantly the owner of a site can do what he want with it... only, like someone else said, hire someone to do a better PR next time ;)
If you don't like me, from earlier posts i made. Meh.

As to why i am posting, i have a serious question.

Okay so fakku is wanting to go legit, but being legit means no more pirated free content, which is causing a lot of issues, and dispute within the community.

So my question
  • Would it not be easier to make a different "fakku" website and then transfer over all unlicensed content, and then advertise all over that one the original site fakku?

I know what i am saying is probably outlandish, but this would allow users to still have a free place to read content, while supporting the official site with advertisement, and it would allow for you to be able to see what is trending, and what is popular to try and get deals to publish those materials
1000Noodles wrote...
If you don't like me, from earlier posts i made. Meh.

As to why i am posting, i have a serious question.

Okay so fakku is wanting to go legit, but being legit means no more pirated free content, which is causing a lot of issues, and dispute within the community.

So my question
  • Would it not be easier to make a different "fakku" website and then transfer over all unlicensed content, and then advertise all over that one the original site fakku?

I know what i am saying is probably outlandish, but this would allow users to still have a free place to read content, while supporting the official site with advertisement, and it would allow for you to be able to see what is trending, and what is popular to try and get deals to publish those materials

Someone already suggested this. I don't remember where or whom, but that would be stupid and hypocritical as hell. Not to mention the deal with Wani might forbid that in the contract; who knows.
623 wrote...
1000Noodles wrote...
If you don't like me, from earlier posts i made. Meh.

As to why i am posting, i have a serious question.

Okay so fakku is wanting to go legit, but being legit means no more pirated free content, which is causing a lot of issues, and dispute within the community.

So my question
  • Would it not be easier to make a different "fakku" website and then transfer over all unlicensed content, and then advertise all over that one the original site fakku?

I know what i am saying is probably outlandish, but this would allow users to still have a free place to read content, while supporting the official site with advertisement, and it would allow for you to be able to see what is trending, and what is popular to try and get deals to publish those materials

Someone already suggested this. I don't remember where or whom, but that would be stupid and hypocritical as hell. Not to mention the deal with Wani might forbid that in the contract; who knows.

I would assume that Wani would axe their deal with Fakku if they were to try something shady like that, and they would be well within their rights to do so in my opinion.
623 wrote...

Someone already suggested this. I don't remember where or whom, but that would be stupid and hypocritical as hell. Not to mention the deal with Wani might forbid that in the contract; who knows.

Honestly i would think this would be a more beneficial solution, as it stands now, fakku is slowly losing a lot of the community that did not use the forums, or did not make a account, meaning less people talking about fakku, meaning less advertisement, meaning less possible sales, by having a baby site, yes it would shift large portion of the community, and in a way say "we support pirating", but depending on how you look at it, they could easily leave the "pirated versions" on the baby site until they could give a official version of it, meaning that they are trying to eliminate pirating, but acknowledge it will always be around, and in turn trying to limit the amount a pirating by focusing on what is popular in the pirating community and getting a official release for people to access instead of going to pirated scanlations

blackice85 wrote...

I would assume that Wani would axe their deal with Fakku if they were to try something shady like that, and they would be well within their rights to do so in my opinion.

Its only shady if fakku has a direct hand in it, or does not purpose the idea in a way that shows them the benefits of having it, as i explained in the above quote

See a big corporation is looking at sales numbers, as why they don't like pirating as they see it as loss in sales, but no matter what you do, pirating will always be around, instead of ignoring it and sweeping it under the rug or trying to fight it, it would be better to use it to benefit sales.

As for companies having issue with them hosting a baby site, as long as it has no way to connect to their official site, and the content they are selling is not redistributed on it without being taken down ASAP, most companies won't care, and that is only if fakku decides to do this "officially", the best solution would be that someone of the community start it up on their own, give massive ads to fakku, and possibly talk to jacob about sending the unlicensed content to their site, granted that could also be consider bad, so the best solution for that would be for jacob to just so happen to make a topic that lists the upcoming content that will be removed, and for that person to just so happen to download and add it to their site, meaning there would be no possible way to say that jacob intentionally helped a "pirating" site, and jacob could "accidentally" find this site, and watches it to find what is popular in the pirating community, to get deals to make more profit, and once the official content has been created, suddenly the scanlations for that series that are on the site no longer exist

There are many loop holes to contracts, and there is many ways for a offical site to benefit from pirating, if you do it right.
1000Noodles wrote...
623 wrote...

Someone already suggested this. I don't remember where or whom, but that would be stupid and hypocritical as hell. Not to mention the deal with Wani might forbid that in the contract; who knows.

Honestly i would think this would be a more beneficial solution, as it stands now, fakku is slowly losing a lot of the community that did not use the forums, or did not make a account, meaning less people talking about fakku, meaning less advertisement, meaning less possible sales, by having a baby site, yes it would shift large portion of the community, and in a way say "we support pirating", but depending on how you look at it, they could easily leave the "pirated versions" on the baby site until they could give a official version of it, meaning that they are trying to eliminate pirating, but acknowledge it will always be around, and in turn trying to limit the amount a pirating by focusing on what is popular in the pirating community and getting a official release for people to access instead of going to pirated scanlations

blackice85 wrote...

I would assume that Wani would axe their deal with Fakku if they were to try something shady like that, and they would be well within their rights to do so in my opinion.

Its only shady if fakku has a direct hand in it, or does not purpose the idea in a way that shows them the benefits of having it, as i explained in the above quote

See a big corporation is looking at sales numbers, as why they don't like pirating as they see it as loss in sales, but no matter what you do, pirating will always be around, instead of ignoring it and sweeping it under the rug or trying to fight it, it would be better to use it to benefit sales.

As for companies having issue with them hosting a baby site, as long as it has no way to connect to their official site, and the content they are selling is not redistributed on it without being taken down ASAP, most companies won't care, and that is only if fakku decides to do this "officially", the best solution would be that someone of the community start it up on their own, give massive ads to fakku, and possibly talk to jacob about sending the unlicensed content to their site, granted that could also be consider bad, so the best solution for that would be for jacob to just so happen to make a topic that lists the upcoming content that will be removed, and for that person to just so happen to download and add it to their site, meaning there would be no possible way to say that jacob intentionally helped a "pirating" site, and jacob could "accidentally" find this site, and watches it to find what is popular in the pirating community, to get deals to make more profit, and once the official content has been created, suddenly the scanlations for that series that are on the site no longer exist

There are many loop holes to contracts, and there is many ways for a offical site to benefit from pirating, if you do it right.

Having unlicensed content is already putting a halt on the progress for the site as is. If they kept it, wani wouldn't do any more deals with them, nor would any other company. They'd either need to remove all content from that person, or it all in general. Nobody wants to work with a shady business.
Regardless, the 'baby' site would have to have nothing to do with fakku, and even in the transfer, you'd not have a very big part of the original user base at all, because nobody wants to go to a new site when they are used to an old one.
FinalFox wrote...
Regarding the export tool, can we have a official confirmation or at least comment about that? Everything we know about that derives from a single post which could have been nothing more than a temporary thought.
I asked about that here a month ago. (Ideally, a reponse there would be great, to keep the information a bit organized)

Considering how long it should (have) take(n) to provide an unformatted dump of a few text strings already associated with your account (which is honestly all that's needed), I think at this point we're just waiting for the formal announcement that a non-revenue-generating time investment like that isn't a worthwhile use of the already busy site staff after all. Unless there's some plan in the works to staple tassels to it and make it bake pies and brush your teeth or something, anyway.
I fully concede I'm/we're not entitled to this, and I don't mean to imply otherwise. With how simple a proposal it is, though, and how long ago it could have been done, coupled with the fact it's something that won't make the site a dime, I just genuinely don't expect it to happen at this point. If it does, I'll be pleasantly surprised, and grateful for the favor.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I don't know, it seems like such a grey zone and would attract unwanted legal matters as well.

A second site would probably eat through ad revenue money quickly. Not to mention someone would have to upload and maintain it.

Releases through other pirating sites has already been done.
Venic wrote...
FinalFox wrote...
Regarding the export tool, can we have a official confirmation or at least comment about that? Everything we know about that derives from a single post which could have been nothing more than a temporary thought.
I asked about that here a month ago. (Ideally, a reponse there would be great, to keep the information a bit organized)

Considering how long it should (have) take(n) to provide an unformatted dump of a few text strings already associated with your account (which is honestly all that's needed), I think at this point we're just waiting for the formal announcement that a non-revenue-generating time investment like that isn't a worthwhile use of the already busy site staff after all. Unless there's some plan in the works to staple tassels to it and make it bake pies and brush your teeth or something, anyway.
I fully concede I'm/we're not entitled to this, and I don't mean to imply otherwise. With how simple a proposal it is, though, and how long ago it could have been done, coupled with the fact it's something that won't make the site a dime, I just genuinely don't expect it to happen at this point. If it does, I'll be pleasantly surprised, and grateful for the favor.

They've confirmed it multiple times.
Aside from that, they are currently doing a fair bit of coding and work for the transition, and it's not a very big team, so it makes sense that it's not out yet.
What the hell is with you people and trying to find various ridiculous loopholes to keep your Fakku-sanctioned pirated material? Baring the obvious mistake that without Fakku branding or administration this new secretly-Fakku site would have to build a userbase from scratch, plus that, you know, it's still illegal and open to lawsuits and DMCA claims in which event the whole charade will crumble, this goes against the moral ideal that we as fans of h-manga demand to be treated as legitimate consumers and have legal avenues to consume the same content Japanese regional consumers get to enjoy.
If you're so hungry for free pirated material, well then... tough. Enjoy pururin with its missing admin and constant crashes, or e-hentai with it's complicated UI, or exHentai with its esoteric method of admission.
yahooeny wrote...
What the hell is with you people and trying to find various ridiculous loopholes to keep your Fakku-sanctioned pirated material? Baring the obvious mistake that without Fakku branding or administration this new secretly-Fakku site would have to build a userbase from scratch, plus that, you know, it's still illegal and open to lawsuits and DMCA claims in which event the whole charade will crumble, this goes against the moral ideal that we as fans of h-manga demand to be treated as legitimate consumers and have legal avenues to consume the same content Japanese regional consumers get to enjoy.
If you're so hungry for free pirated material, well then... tough. Enjoy pururin with its missing admin and constant crashes, or e-hentai with it's complicated UI, or exHentai with its esoteric method of admission.

Yeah I'm amazed (and thankful!) that Wani was willing to deal with Fakku in the first place given their history, why the hell would they want to risk that? It's amazing how much legit content we'll soon have access to, so what's the problem? The whole reason for piracy in the first place was because the material wasn't readily available. Rather than Fakku 'selling out', I see it as them realizing their goal.
Drifter995 wrote...
!!walw6pK4Alo wrote...
FinalFox wrote...
Regarding the export tool, can we have a official confirmation or at least comment about that? Everything we know about that derives from a single post which could have been nothing more than a temporary thought.
I asked about that here a month ago. (Ideally, a reponse there would be great, to keep the information a bit organized)

Their response, unless we're shown otherwise, will be something nebulous along the lines of "it'll happen when it happens" which means it might not at all.

It's confirmed in progress, and is coming. Stop getting your panties in a twist, and be patient

Am rather interest to count the number of days until it actually released. Quite funny if it would be 5 years from now, unlikely but still a possibility. I'll be honest with you, it doesn't really matter how much they say "it coming". An perfect example are games that were announced but took years even up to 8 to be released.

YQII wrote...
We're already offering free chapters to users who have bought a book in the past, but we want to introduce some sort of system for free content for everyone after the subscription service goes live.

I wonder what the subscription price will be... for monthly or yearly(if possible)... will it be a ridiculous price like $60? $100? Probably not but still a possibility.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Haggus wrote...
I wonder what the subscription price will be... for monthly or yearly(if possible)... will it be a ridiculous price like $60? $100? Probably not but still a possibility.

$12.95 a month, according to the subscription beta thread in the Books section.
yahooeny wrote...
Enjoy pururin with its missing admin and constant crashes, or e-hentai with it's complicated UI, or exHentai with its esoteric method of admission.

g.e-hentai's UI is not complicated at all, it requires a bit of information, yes, but once you understand it (by lurking for some minutes) you can get everything.
As for exhentai, I confess it's a bit stupid to have made it more difficult the "admission", but hey, it's the biggest hentai library out there. It's pretty small what you do to get there considering the ammout of content you get.
Also, it's 2015, everyone already should have had an account.
Pururin is crap, I agree on that.
Monster Girl
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