[Locked] Discussion: Unlicensed Content Removal

boltsandguns wrote...
Did I miss some sort of major upheaval of the English language? Last time I checked estimated times were a hopeful scale of when you'd like something to happen, not a deadline.

It's just passive aggressive nonsense.
sadmir Moe Connoisseur
boltsandguns wrote...
Did I miss some sort of major upheaval of the English language? Last time I checked estimated times were a hopeful scale of when you'd like something to happen, not a deadline.

The initial post was edited several times too, so you have to take into account that.
But at the end of the day it is like Jacob said, it's his site and he can just do whatever he wants.
herpduck1 wrote...
Jacob wrote...
!!walw6pK4Alo wrote...
Oh of fucking course they will, and let me guess that the doujinshi removal will be pushed back to March?

But in the meantime, shouldn't you put a stop to any NEW uploads? Then you'd technically be getting a start on the actual removal process by not making the situation any worse.

What are you so butthurt about? The majority of users in this thread are complaining that we did not give enough notice before removing content, now there is more time for them to adjust. We get to decide when we remove everything, and obviously we are going to coordinate that with the influx of new content that will arrive with the simulpublished magazines.

First of all, act like a bloody adult, calling someone "butthurt" completely undermines that you be taken seriously. You are not some pimpled fourteen year old at his computer, but the owner of a (semi-) legit publisher.

He just as I strongly dislike the extreme hypocrisy you are displaying. Last month you were all up in arms about how much you want to support all artists, you even went deeper into the subject proclaiming that artist needs to be payed (rightfully so) and pirates that don't like the new approach the site is taking should just more or less fuck off.
But now, because you can't deliver the content you had in mind, you come here and tell us that you will keep on allowing new pirate content to be uploaded to your site.

Dude, if you honestly are trying to go legit, start acting like it. At the very least block all new manga uploads and stick with your established game plan, or does that part were you stood up for the right to artists getting payed only extend to wani artist, and the rest can just hope you will grace them with your "when we decide to remove it" attitude?

You're not wrong, I could have chosen my words better. The parties who this is relevant to (the artists and publishers) have no problem with us keeping the unlicensed content on FAKKU while we continue our transition, and their opinion is what matters the most. Unlicensed content will be removed when we have a legal service (subscriptions) for users to use in place of the unlicensed content. Ensuring the transition is as smooth as possible is important to make sure it's a success, and it being a success is important to the artists and publishers in Japan.
herpduck1 wrote...
Jacob wrote...
!!walw6pK4Alo wrote...
Oh of fucking course they will, and let me guess that the doujinshi removal will be pushed back to March?

But in the meantime, shouldn't you put a stop to any NEW uploads? Then you'd technically be getting a start on the actual removal process by not making the situation any worse.

What are you so butthurt about? The majority of users in this thread are complaining that we did not give enough notice before removing content, now there is more time for them to adjust. We get to decide when we remove everything, and obviously we are going to coordinate that with the influx of new content that will arrive with the simulpublished magazines.

Dude, if you honestly are trying to go legit, start acting like it. At the very least block all new manga uploads and stick with your established game plan, or does that part were you stood up for the right to artists getting payed only extend to wani artist, and the rest can just hope you will grace them with your "when we decide to remove it" attitude?

I think new manga is being uploaded because Jacob and Co. still want traffic for the site. If they had no new content for a month, no one would want to visit and then when they do announce the new service, far fewer people will see that announcement than would have had they kept people coming back.

Complain about integrity all you want, but it would be incredibly stupid to have a stagnant site for a month or two. I'm sure Wani would agree as well.
Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
New scanlated manga is uploaded because people still use the site to disseminate their scanlated work even if it will be up only for a month at best. It's as simple as that, there's no conspiracy, no behind the curtain secret deals. Frankly, I'm getting rather tired of all the entitled moaning and Jewcob conspiracy lunacy.

You Johny Q. Public, the consumer have consumed a service that was given for free, was legally grey at best and was the culmination of the work of hundreds of people, from scanners through translators to editors and dissemination web-site administrators. (As well as a few good Samaritans who comissioned some of the people above to work for their hard earned cash).

FAKKU is going legal. Unlicensed, scanlated content will be removed.

Don't like it? Go somewhere else. There are dozens of compilation sites out there. Moan and bitch about it like a petulant child. It's your "right" (even though this is a privately owned site and the owner has every right to do whatever they want).

However what you should get into your head is that FAKKU was never something you had any right to demand and unless you're one of the people who helped the process above you have little grounds to argue otherwise.

Is FAKKU selling out the community? What insane question is that?! If that were so, why did FAKKU *host* so many scanlators? No, I'm not talking about their scanlated work, I mean all the blogs, personal sites that the translators have come to rely on. Often times FAKKU offered this hosting free of charge on the heels of other companies like blogpost or wordpress evicting said blogs for various reasons, usually with little warning or recourse offered.

If you had any attention to detail beyond your sense of entitlement, you'd have noticed that the very same people you claim to "defend" in your tirades are the ones signing up with FAKKU. People like Sahadou, veterans of scanlation who will finally get a chance to receive a steady income have their work published to a wide audience and in very high quality print.

From where I stand, FAKKU simply realized that as things stood its operation were in-viable (Hullo massive DMCA takedowns!) and has chosen to move with the times...

...from what I read, a lot of you are still living in the past.

Can one argue that Jacob is doing something that personally will benefit him in a monetary sense? Sure. But come, on! What is the alternative? Unless you personally are willing to put your money and livelihood on the line you have no grounds to vilify others for doing the grown up thing.
I think that a stop on new unlicensed content should happen before the purge of all this unlicensed content, that way you won't have thousands of complaints about how content posted an hour ago just vanished or that all the free hentai is now not available. With a frontpage message saying that content is being slowed down to help in the process of removing the unlicensed content which sadly includes parody content like Naruto and Dragon Ball Z doujins. Also this way you won't have even more complaints then there are now from lurkers who just created an account at that moment to say how unfair for them that they don't have a chance at finding any of the removed content with no warning or many topics about what happened to X doujin or why did parody of X content get removed?

I believe many people are getting mad that the estimated time frame of content being removed didn't happen is that to many it felt unfair that the previously removed content was removed on such short notice with little warning, but when the warning did come for the other content, it got deleyed making it seem like that Fakku has some hiddden grudge for the less vanilla and plain content.
"Its bullshit that just cause I like incest or tentacle or loli, I get my favorite stuff removed but for the vanilla lovers they get to keep their stuff forever since Fakku didn't remove it like how they promised." is what many people who say they left or are going to leave seem to be saying, who aren't complaining about how Fakku going legit is just a way to hold content for ransom money.
Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
"The people who can destroy a thing, they control it."
†• Frank Herbert, Dune

The removal of controversial content is a whole different issue. It was likely removed due pressure from affiliated companies.

By whom you ask? Last time it was the advertisers, this time though Jacob is being mum about it, which makes me think it must be the credit card companies.

At the moment the site relies on book sales, usually done through pay** or VI**/*****card, etc. If these companies ceased their services for any reason the site would be in a dire financial situation... As they have done so in the past with other entities affiliated with what they (or what they think the wider public) perceives as controversial content.

Why the great silence? Because these financial companies have also ceased co-operation with companies that publicly debated their policies as they perceive any and all bad publicity as lethal poison, hence they tend to go on full offensive when they perceive they're under attack.

Welcome to our brave new world, where the extreme fringe can dictate policy. This is why a small minority can push their extreme version of 3rd wave feminism and why companies act like culture police.
Hey, it's incredibly irresponsible to pin this shit on feminism but you're right that /that payment processor/ is likely to lock Fakku's account anytime soon but that's also because /that payment processor/ has historically always been heavily adverse to any sort of sexually explicit content, whether or not it's controversial. In fact, I was very surprised /that payment processor/ was even an option in checkout, there's a reason why many porn sites continue to put up with the bullshit that is CCBill, they're the only ones who'll take them.
Well, when the time comes I will look at the system Jacob sets up and figure out if it is worth the price to stay.

Granted there are pros and cons to this entire thing (I only made it to page 4 before hopping back here).

My biggest problem is I have no method of jumping back to my list of favorites and determining what series / artists I enjoyed.

Is it possible for the Fakku Team to bring this back? You do not need to display the content, I just want to record the names for future reference.

Cookie Ex Cursori wrote...
Well, when the time comes I will look at the system Jacob sets up and figure out if it is worth the price to stay.

Granted there are pros and cons to this entire thing (I only made it to page 4 before hopping back here).

My biggest problem is I have no method of jumping back to my list of favorites and determining what series / artists I enjoyed.

Is it possible for the Fakku Team to bring this back? You do not need to display the content, I just want to record the names for future reference.


Ironically enough, that's been mentioned. They're working on an export tool so you can see what your favorites were.
yahooeny wrote...
Hey, it's incredibly irresponsible to pin this shit on feminism but you're right that /that payment processor/ is likely to lock Fakku's account anytime soon but that's also because /that payment processor/ has historically always been heavily adverse to any sort of sexually explicit content, whether or not it's controversial. In fact, I was very surprised /that payment processor/ was even an option in checkout, there's a reason why many porn sites continue to put up with the bullshit that is CCBill, they're the only ones who'll take them.

Whenever this comes up someone mentions the B word. It's only a matter of time now.
Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
yahooeny wrote...
Hey, it's incredibly irresponsible to pin this shit on feminism but you're right that /that payment processor/ is likely to lock Fakku's account anytime soon but that's also because /that payment processor/ has historically always been heavily adverse to any sort of sexually explicit content, whether or not it's controversial. In fact, I was very surprised /that payment processor/ was even an option in checkout, there's a reason why many porn sites continue to put up with the bullshit that is CCBill, they're the only ones who'll take them.

Whenever this comes up someone mentions the B word. It's only a matter of time now.

I'm not trying to pin this on feminism. (I happen to be a feminist myself). I just pointed out that an extreme fringe of feminism is strongly influencing policy at the moment. This is just one example of this, broader issue. You have similar groups influencing policy in various walks of life, like the Rep/Dem preliminaries.

Guess what I was trying to highlight was the irony of how repression and cultural policing is done in the name of freedom.
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
yahooeny wrote...
Hey, it's incredibly irresponsible to pin this shit on feminism but you're right that /that payment processor/ is likely to lock Fakku's account anytime soon but that's also because /that payment processor/ has historically always been heavily adverse to any sort of sexually explicit content, whether or not it's controversial. In fact, I was very surprised /that payment processor/ was even an option in checkout, there's a reason why many porn sites continue to put up with the bullshit that is CCBill, they're the only ones who'll take them.

Whenever this comes up someone mentions the B word. It's only a matter of time now.

Is Hentai Good For Bitcoin?
This whole thread has been a wild wild ride.
Jacob, I can't wait to start supporting you and all of Fakku's partners. Keep on doing what you're doing, man.
MassReject wrote...
This whole thread has been a wild wild ride.
Jacob, I can't wait to start supporting you and all of Fakku's partners. Keep on doing what you're doing, man.

Not wrong. I keep coming back every few weeks to a month or so, and I see there has been another lurker (don't take offence those who actually know what is happening) who has cracked the sads over things, when everything they are complaining that should be happening is/ has, and the reasons for them have happened, and it's not what they are pinning it to.

Such a fun thread. Good few keks.
This much negativity can't be good for a mans stress though.
Regarding the export tool, can we have a official confirmation or at least comment about that? Everything we know about that derives from a single post which could have been nothing more than a temporary thought.
I asked about that here a month ago. (Ideally, a reponse there would be great, to keep the information a bit organized)
Not sure if I want to answer to Flaser's third last post in here or not, not like it matters.
How long do you think this will take?
FinalFox wrote...
Regarding the export tool, can we have a official confirmation or at least comment about that? Everything we know about that derives from a single post which could have been nothing more than a temporary thought.
I asked about that here a month ago. (Ideally, a reponse there would be great, to keep the information a bit organized)

Their response, unless we're shown otherwise, will be something nebulous along the lines of "it'll happen when it happens" which means it might not at all.
Narshguy wrote...
How long do you think this will take?

Winds in the air said it all would be set by the end of the year, but naturally I have no idea if their schedule is unfolding as originally planned.
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