[Locked] Discussion: Unlicensed Content Removal

ksiyas wrote...
YQII wrote...
darkest wrote...
It seems to me that the creators of fakku are trying to turn the site in a milk cow, with all their payed content bullshit. I get that servers to store all the content need to get paid, but right now they are screwing their user over. It just doesn't seem worth it to destroy so much content, just to become 'legal'.

I don't think you understand what has happened in the last year. We're printing physical books and ship them all over the world. We work with the actual content creators and compensate them for their work. We have a dozen full-time employees. The money goes to so much more than keeping the website online.

Edit: Also Tsujoi is right about the tags.

Now if you guys are even 80% certain that we will get the same amount of works posted up on a daily basis as this site was getting maybe 2-3 months ago (currently site seems to be getting less and less updates per day) or more by moving forward with this idea, then cool beans (Im all for uncensored content). Im down. But it sounds like a presidential candidate promising change for the better, then nothing happens >.>

Once subscriptions are active we will be posting at least 1 - 2 new pieces of content per day. There will probably be more content on FAKKU each week than there was 2 - 3 months ago.
ksiyas wrote...
As happy as I am to have the books Ive bought, Im not liking the only licensed content idea that im reading about. If some authors wont offer up their works because you have unlicensed content, move to the next guy. Keep the free stuff here.

Here's the thing, it's not simply 'free stuff', it's pirated content. And Fakku likely isn't talking to each individual artist, but the major publishers that they're under. Many of them won't deal with Fakku until pirated content is gone. They will not be considered legit by those publishers until all unlicensed content is removed, there is no half-way point.
blackice85 wrote...
ksiyas wrote...
As happy as I am to have the books Ive bought, Im not liking the only licensed content idea that im reading about. If some authors wont offer up their works because you have unlicensed content, move to the next guy. Keep the free stuff here.

Here's the thing, it's not simply 'free stuff', it's pirated content. And Fakku likely isn't talking to each individual artist, but the major publishers that they're under. Many of them won't deal with Fakku until pirated content is gone. They will not be considered legit by those publishers until all unlicensed content is removed, there is no half-way point.

I'd just like to add in, the few actual works that where added with permission from there creator are staying. Very few but still something
Why hasn't the unlicensed manga content been removed yet?
Yeah, wasn't that to supposed to happen at the end of July? It's now August, even on the west coast.
sadmir Moe Connoisseur
What herpduck1 and !!walw6pK4Alo said.
BitNdragon More Than A God
herpduck1 wrote...
Why hasn't the unlicensed manga content been removed yet?

Fakku seems to like doing things at the end of the business day (referencing the book release times) so they might be waiting till later today to pull it all. I think they plan to launch the magazines when they pull the manga so they might be touching some stuff up, really no need to rush them it's just the 1st
BitNdragon wrote...
herpduck1 wrote...
Why hasn't the unlicensed manga content been removed yet?

Fakku seems to like doing things at the end of the business day (referencing the book release times) so they might be waiting till later today to pull it all. I think they plan to launch the magazines when they pull the manga so they might be touching some stuff up, really no need to rush them it's just the 1st

They had a full month to fulfill the dates they've set themselves. Failing that makes them look unprofessional, especially when they have been hyping it up since the announcement that they are very keen on getting all unlicensed pirate content out the door as quickly as possible.
YQII FAKKU Translator
Jacob wrote...
Here is a rough timeline for content removal, this is not final and will most likely change.

As already speculated, the manga will be removed when we can offer an alternative; i.e., the magazine subscription service. Unless some unforeseen issues pop up during next week, we should be able to launch the service really soon.
Figured a full month was "rough enough", pity you guys still haven't sorted out the whole "being legit business" procedure.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
herpduck1 wrote...
Figured a full month was "rough enough", pity you guys still haven't sorted out the whole "being legit business" procedure.

Ah, so you expected it to be really gone at the end of August? There's still time until your "rough enough" month beyond the initially given deadline, then.
luinthoron wrote...
herpduck1 wrote...
Figured a full month was "rough enough", pity you guys still haven't sorted out the whole "being legit business" procedure.

Ah, so you expected it to be really gone at the end of August? There's still time until your "rough enough" month beyond the initially given deadline, then.

No when someone tells me "during July" I except it to happen somewhere between the first and last day of that month, not a week or two into the month that follows.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
herpduck1 wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
herpduck1 wrote...
Figured a full month was "rough enough", pity you guys still haven't sorted out the whole "being legit business" procedure.

Ah, so you expected it to be really gone at the end of August? There's still time until your "rough enough" month beyond the initially given deadline, then.

No when someone tells me "during July" I except it to happen somewhere between the first and last day of that month, not a week or two into the month that follows.

It was never said it would happen "during July", though. July was given as an initial possible deadline, but it was also said it would most likely change.

Well, I'm fine either way, there will always be someone complaining, either you about the content being there, or others about it being removed.

I have, however, always been somewhat surprised that there's still new unlicensed (at least by Fakku) content being added.
Like I said in the OP post

Jacob wrote...
Here is a rough timeline for content removal, this is not final and will most likely change.

And like YQII said, we are not going to make this change until the simulpublished magazines are live. We ran into some legal snags with that, so the content removal will be pushed back another month or two. This is also gives us time to properly finish the favorite/collections export ahead of removing the content.
Oh of fucking course they will, and let me guess that the doujinshi removal will be pushed back to March?

But in the meantime, shouldn't you put a stop to any NEW uploads? Then you'd technically be getting a start on the actual removal process by not making the situation any worse.
sadmir Moe Connoisseur
luinthoron wrote...
I have, however, always been somewhat surprised that there's still new unlicensed (at least by Fakku) content being added.

I don't understand that either. Doesn't make much sense considering the direction the site is going.
!!walw6pK4Alo wrote...
Oh of fucking course they will, and let me guess that the doujinshi removal will be pushed back to March?

But in the meantime, shouldn't you put a stop to any NEW uploads? Then you'd technically be getting a start on the actual removal process by not making the situation any worse.

What are you so butthurt about? The majority of users in this thread are complaining that we did not give enough notice before removing content, now there is more time for them to adjust. We get to decide when we remove everything, and obviously we are going to coordinate that with the influx of new content that will arrive with the simulpublished magazines.
sadmir Moe Connoisseur
Jacob wrote...
What are you so butthurt about?

Can't speak for him but when you establish a timeline for doing something and change that after the fact it doesn't look good.

Jacob wrote...
We get to decide when we remove everything

Yes, but I believe it's unethical to host manga scanlation from Wani competitors while selling Wani content and asking us to support Wani artists.
But maybe I'm alone and I'm sure this post will be downvoted to hell since I'm voicing an opinion that doesn't equate to the Fakku community status quo.

Jacob wrote...
we are not going to make this change until the simulpublished magazines are live. We ran into some legal snags with that, so the content removal will be pushed back another month or two

Now this is understandable but I still don't get adding new unlicensed stuff to the site.
Jacob wrote...
!!walw6pK4Alo wrote...
Oh of fucking course they will, and let me guess that the doujinshi removal will be pushed back to March?

But in the meantime, shouldn't you put a stop to any NEW uploads? Then you'd technically be getting a start on the actual removal process by not making the situation any worse.

What are you so butthurt about? The majority of users in this thread are complaining that we did not give enough notice before removing content, now there is more time for them to adjust. We get to decide when we remove everything, and obviously we are going to coordinate that with the influx of new content that will arrive with the simulpublished magazines.

First of all, act like a bloody adult, calling someone "butthurt" completely undermines that you be taken seriously. You are not some pimpled fourteen year old at his computer, but the owner of a (semi-) legit publisher.

He just as I strongly dislike the extreme hypocrisy you are displaying. Last month you were all up in arms about how much you want to support all artists, you even went deeper into the subject proclaiming that artist needs to be payed (rightfully so) and pirates that don't like the new approach the site is taking should just more or less fuck off.
But now, because you can't deliver the content you had in mind, you come here and tell us that you will keep on allowing new pirate content to be uploaded to your site.

Dude, if you honestly are trying to go legit, start acting like it. At the very least block all new manga uploads and stick with your established game plan, or does that part were you stood up for the right to artists getting payed only extend to wani artist, and the rest can just hope you will grace them with your "when we decide to remove it" attitude?
boltsandguns Electroshock TheRapist
Did I miss some sort of major upheaval of the English language? Last time I checked estimated times were a hopeful scale of when you'd like something to happen, not a deadline.
Monster Girl
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