Droyer wrote...
So there's no way at all to turn smooth scrolling off? Because I really dislike it.
Yes, you can't turn it off right now. Basically, every additional option the reader offers needs to be supported in the code, which naturally makes it more complicated. The reader is a pretty complicated beast as it is, so eliminating options with next to no use by users will allow keeping the codebase more clean and lean.
What is it specifically that you dislike about smooth scrolling? Smooth scrolling has been shown to be helpful for keeping track of things like multi-line text etc, and accuracy-wise it is the same as non-smooth scrolling (eg. 1/2/3... down key presses will scroll the exact same amount in both). Sure, it takes slightly longer to move to the target, but it also speeds up if you scroll a lot so it should never take too long to scroll around.
Also, if there's anyone else here who has specifically disabled smooth scrolling, now's the time to make your voice heard.