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Feedback, Suggestions, and Support


FAKKU Reader Help, Feedback and Bug Report Thread Welcome! This is the help, feedback and bug report thread for FAKKU Reader. FAKKU Reader has been built with both desktop …
FAKKU Tag Suggestions Any suggestions for new tags should go in this topic. Before posting a new tag suggestion, please do the following: Go through the …
[ Locked ] FAKKU Rules and Frequently Asked Questions Please read this compilation topic of site rules and FAQs before posting! …


images Not loading(stuck on 0|0 ) I've tried Many solutions like clear cache, deleting cookies and change browser but nothing work!!
Profile Notification Settings comment reputation I've been on Fakku for a while now, and ever since I've been on this site, the setting to turn off comment reputation notifications doesn't work.
Images from recent updates are not loading Images from Lelie Navigation! and Similar…
Chin's Twitter I'm not 100% sure but I believe this is the Twitter account for the artist Chin…
Fakku unlimited hi, i know you guys are probably tired of getting this question but any predictions for when the normal subscriptions will return?
issue with +1 rep seen with you try to upvote, it does not respond straight away and if you click it again it starts to down vote and if you try to correct it by upvoting it will keep on down voting. and i…
PLEASE Update the Favorites Page! A basic of feature of Fakku has always been the ability to add chapters you like to your "Favorites List". Yet ever since Fakku redid their site years ago, the Favorite section has been completely bar…
Would it be possible for a 'Disable forum avatars' option? As the title suggests. I really do hate to be that person, but I've just browsed a support topic where someone was using a pretty explicit loli pic as t…
Favorites Some of the comics won’t let me unfavorite them. Instead it directs me to my Favorites. Please help.
Cant Scroll in Collections Popup So there are a bunch of manga chapters I want to add to my collections. But when I click on the little icon on the manga front page, and the collections popup comes up, it only shows the first like 8…
There should be more hentai anime uploaded ASAP I feel like this subscription is a waste of money because there is really not a big collection of hentai that we all want to watch that should be uncensored. 26 videos were the only ones currently ava…
Bosshi's XXX MiX Not On Sale? It's showing on the Black Friday Sale, but I can't even access the page. It's showing at full price. This might be a website glitch 🧐🤔
XXX Maoden not on sale? It's listed under the black Friday sale banner but the price isn't reduced. Is this a mistake?
No Black Friday Sale? No Black Friday Sale? Fakku doesn't want me to throw my money at them? (^_^)
ereader content it would be great if all the fakku's mangas/books could be read on ereades, like kindle, kobo, nook and others. there's any plan to release them on one of those plattaforms?
Rating system People should be only allowed to rate something if they have viewed the product in its fullest, whether or not they bought the product directly from Fakku. I've seen too many ratings that are pr…
Incompatible tags on Terrible Laboratory https://www.fakku.net/games/terrible-laboratory-english It has tags Mosaics and Uncensored and those are antonyms. From the looks of the preview it should only say Mosaics.
[ Locked ] Support Ticket #53345 Update? It's been almost two weeks since I last heard from support about my ticket. Does it usually take this long or should I be worried?
No artist page for Akiba Maou Clicking on the link on the homepage or on the …
Can't download Wet & Wild? Can't download Wet & Wild despite it being 2 weeks now? I know where to go to download but don't see the option....