@KloWn: Lol @ the picture, hehe. Well, the reason why the post count didn't work is because we lack manpower... either that or we have idiots that created a post-spam program or they don't have lives.
Mattarat wrote...
Maybe after the creation of a new account, new users are automatically directed towards the Rules and FAQ's forum, so that they don't go wondering in to the site as mindless drones just simply looking for more hentai.
I was also thinking something along the same lines. After being sent the registration e-mail, the user clicks the activation link and gets sent straight to the Rules/FAQ section before further browsing. I also thought that maybe every time we logged into the forums, you get redirected to the Rules/FAQ section... but that'd be too annoying and troublesome.
Mattarat wrote...
The 3rd option, as stated by Ryuji, was implemented a week or so ago and the forums were shut down due to spam. This could be implemented, were there more mods. Though, having said that, it would mean that all mods and admins would be on high alert when entering the forums, having to check every post to see if it is spam or legit. And for a Forum moderator/admin, it'll be alot of posts considering how many there were in the last spam-age of the forums. As stated above, hopefully a temp ban system would be implemented by then, making for easier moderation when the admins aren't around. Raze is stalking a few candidates for moderating positions, who will be contacted via a PM soon. So should system 3 need to be implemented again, it hopefully won't be as bad as it was the previous time.
The problem is this (trying to see it from Jacob's perspective): FAKKU is mainly run by the users and from time to time some admin/mod action and intervention. So if FAKKU turns out so, it'll be the users fault. FAKKU was a great place to hang out, which is why I continue to do so, and the community was great and fun. (I probably got sucked into the forums
because it was a great place.) FAKKU is one of the most friendliest and lax forums I've been on, which is part of its appeal to the masses. Problem now is that we have this new age of Endless September where noobs are ruining the forums for the others who dedicate time and interaction here. But like you said Mattarat, option three would require more admin/mod attention and work to the posts themselves - only thing is we've crossed the threshold where the regular users are getting pissed off at the expense of this new influx of noobs where they obviously shouldn't be breaking rules but they do anyways. It's getting out of hand, and we need to see some action soon if not later. I hope to see some new mods. Good thing Raze's on the lookout.
I also think noobs post requests other than in the request section is because they believe that their request will be overlooked due to the sheer amount of requests that go unanswered or unsolved. Thus, they work around that by posting requests in different parts of the forum, especially the User Uploads section, in order to get attention drawn to their request... which does nothing but raise us regular users' ire and rage. This is very likely, but it's because of this that I can't forgive these noobs in a small part of my heart. (Of course, abiding by general netiquette, we gently redirect them to the right place without yelling or cursing or flaming or whatnot.) GRRR!!!
I certainly would support Kaimax as a moderator exclusive for User Uploads. God help us that section is a mess like a house overrun with briars and shrubbery.
edit: Take a look at this thread: https://www.fakku.net/viewtopic.php?t=12005
I was ready to flame that user to kingdom come... but held it in check. It's because of users like these that ruin the experience for everyone else.