FAQ Version 2.0
General Questions
When will …… be up again?
As soon as Jacob fixed it. Don’t ask for Times, it will be done, when it’s done.
Can we request doujins for the scan/sub team to work on?
I want to Donate, how can I?
paypal = fakkune@gmail.com
Forum related Questions
Auto Login isn`t working, what can I do?
How do you get/lose Reputation?
You can +/- rep someone once you have 15 posts, which I see you have. You can only +/- rep one person once for a whole day, 24 hours. After 24 hours, you regain the ability to +/- rep someone again. To +/- someone, there should be a +/- buttons to the side of the word "reputation" underneath your avatar. That's what you press to +/- rep someone. You can't +/- rep yourself, other users can.
Why is my Signature not showing up in my Post?
You have to enable the following Options in your User Profile:
Show Your Signature: Yes
Show User Signatures: Yes
I want to change my User-Name, how do I do it?
Send a private message to Jacob (Admin) with the new name you would like and he can change it.
Where can I find the Member List?
Isn't one. Jacob removed it once and never got around to putting it back up
What's up with spoilers that don't open?
Status/Title related Questions
How do I get FAKKU Elite status?
To gain Elite status, you must have 500 posts. Refer to the Forum rules.
How do I get FAKKU Elder status?
For the FAKKU Elder status, you must have 1000 posts. Again, refer to the forum rules. These numbers are subject to change at administrative discretion as the forum grows.
What about the other FAKKU titles?
FAKKU Uploader: The Uploader status is a special status given to exceptional users who we feel have contributed material to the site immensely, whether it be in the image section or uploads of doujins, manga, games, and/or anime, over a long period of time. And yes, this means the uploader status is higher than the elite status.
FAKKU Artist: This rare title is awarded to outstanding artists on FAKKU who have contributed over a period of time. If you would like this title, PM an admin (Jacob, Raze, or I) for consideration.
FAKKU Subber/Scanlator: Members of the sub/scan team. These are the people who work very hard to bring you our translated releases. In terms of influence, this rank is the highest outside the Admin rank.
Are there special privileges awarded with Elite status or is it just nifty bragging rights?
Just nifty bragging rights, for now.
Can I have a custom Tile?
Right now the staff feels that there is no need for custom titles. Everyone has a signature they can customize, with images too: there's the place to put your custom title. A username, avatar, and signature should be more than enough for identification, and anything extra like a custom title is just stroking your e-penis.
Administration related Questions
What sort of duration variation is there for being banned?
Right now, it's just an account ban. We haven't had the need yet to IP ban anyone for any length of time.
Is it possible to be permanently banned with no prior first offense?
It's possible but extremely difficult to do.
How does one report an image that is in violation of the rules?
We haven't implemented that feature yet, but it's coming soon. Right now all you can do is PM an admin (Jacob, Raze, or Nikon) with a link to said picture.
Download related Questions
Why can’t I download Videos? / What happened to the Torrents?
As you maybe aware or not, Fakku is only providing Torrent Links for Videos.
So if you want to download something you are in need of a Bit Torrent (Client), for example http://www.bittorrent.com/
Further while the World is changing, so does the Internet as well.
Torrent Links tend to lose their validation over some time. So if a link doesn’t work you need to wait, till our kind Administration updates them.
And while they are more important things to do, this can take some time.
Can I use a Download Accelerator?
No, don't use a download accelerator.
Image related Questions
What does “During periods of high traffic the image section is disabled” mean?
It means exactly what it says: When there are over a thousand users online, the image section is disabled, because it's a big strain on the server.
Where did FAKKU! come from?
How can I contribute to FAKKU?
There are tons of ways. You can upload images, post doujin/games/movies in the User Uploads section, or click the ads. Or all three
How can regular users contribute to the Manga, Doujinshi, Games or Video sections?
Post a single thread in the respective User Uploads sub-forum with what you've uploaded, a description, preview pics (preferably) and links (See also User Upload Regulations)
Can you remove the Ads?
No, Porn is never free, just be glad you're paying by looking at ads and not by giving out your credit card information.
Why do you censor Images/Doujinshi?
Fakku themselves don't go through every single doujin and blur it up. If we did, we'd probably be the most unpopular hentai site on the web. It's how it was originally released in Japan, Some are censored and some aren't. We can't really do anything about it. Some exceptional doujins that are chosen to be translated are sometimes de-censored, but this is only done by eye and not how it would have originally looked.