Front Page News


Updizzle So we're looking at getting a new server for the main site pretty soon, which would be about three times as fast, which is awesome. We might set up a donation drive for it in the near future so hopefu…
Unexpected Downtime Well, that was unexpected. P.S. Big update in about an hour or two.
New Features and Incoming Update So we are rolling out the "Edit Manga Information" feature for users that have 10 or more reputation. At the moment this is only about 20 of you, so we may reduce it s…
Dead Fantasy 2 + Update! You may notice the RSS button on the top right of the page that has replaced the "A" link. It isn't working yet, but we are going to set up an RSS feed for all of the news posts here on the main page.…
FAKKU will make you/STAY up all NIGHT. This update is all about a series that is perhaps the most respected in Japan. It is about a series that has very attractive girl…
Update Incoming. Dear inhabitants of FAKKU, Prepare yourselves for an update that will be so awesome your genitals …
SAYONARA CODE GEASS - Zetsubou no Lelouch - Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Parodies, Code Geass More below!
English of the Dead! Japan offers a new way to learn English... by zapping zombies! And I think I would be pretty good at it. …
FAKKU: When all the good things in life come together. I have said it many times but the User Uploads section of the forums is a great place to find new hentai between main page updates…
It's Nice to be Back + Project Eternal. I doubt many of you noticed, but I had one hell of a event-heavy week (and still have lots to go) and thus was away for a bit. This past week has left me extremely deprived of sleep, and honestly, wh…
Code Geass Season 2 Trailer! Code Geass season 2 starts this weekend! I think Sunday, but I'm not 100% sure.. either way I know I'm excited. Hopefully Lelouch takes over Britannia this time around. …
News post? GASP?! It has been a long while since I've had the time to do this. Very unfortunate for you guys, and for me, as it's something I enjoy doin…
Tokyo Anime Fair + Site Improvements + Hentai! The Tokyo Anime Fair is this weekend! And for those who don't know it is probably one of the biggest anime events in Japan each year. There will be a lot of informati…