FinalBoss wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
FinalBoss wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Likhos01 wrote...
I don't know, the idea that a certain Sarkeesian bitch may leave her own stupid show makes me think the year might not be that bad.
Crossing my fingers that Sanders get elected over in Murica.
Read this and thought to myself, aren't those two Progressive leftist essentially the same in politics?
This post is why I don't like and understand Sanders supporters.
Alright, I'll bite, what's wrong with Sanders Cruz? Oh wait, let me guess. You probably one of those people who think that if the Colonel does get his way, then big corporations would transfer out of state to avoid taxation. Am I close?
I already tore up your stupid presidential thread in Random section, you and the other Sanders dick suckers couldn't justify his shitty thoughts and actions.
Big corporation already transfer their assets out of State btw or just reinvest to avoid taxation. They've been doing this since forever, and Comrade Sanders is delusional if he thinks he's going to help anyone with idiotic economic and foreign policies.
We're talking about a man who believes the wage gap exist despite being debunked many times for the last 40 years.
A man who doesn't understand how the 08' crashed despite voting in favor of what caused it several times.
He doesn't understand the concept of debt.
He doesn't understand how the supreme court works and thinks he can stack judges in favor if he wins the presidency.
He thinks homes earning less than 60% of median income in that country are those in poverty, not taking into account what the median income is to push bogus statistics about children in poverty in the US.
He doesn't understand why Billionaires are paying the same amount into Social Security as someone who makes significantly less but doesn't question why they also receive the same amount.
He doesn't understand that raising minimum wage is actually part of the reason why the there's such high disparities between white and black unemployment rates.
Doesn't understand collateral and the difference between getting a mortgage and getting a student loan.
And let's not forget his stupid admiration for Chinese health system and rights granted to pregnant mothers despite their numerous human's right violations.
How about you try being skeptical?
Likhos01 wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Likhos01 wrote...
I don't know, the idea that a certain Sarkeesian bitch may leave her own stupid show makes me think the year might not be that bad.
Crossing my fingers that Sanders get elected over in Murica.
Read this and thought to myself, aren't those two Progressive leftist essentially the same in politics?
This post is why I don't like and understand Sanders supporters.
Sarkeesian is, I believe, a fraud, the only reason she's mingling in politics is to milk money out of any idiot ready to drink her words like an alcoholic drinks his beer.
Sanders is democrat, so as far as I know he's not a leftist, he's right wing leaning.
He's the only one who doesn't seem to act like a fucking bitch all the time (not like Sore-Pussy Clinton and Baldy Trump)
Trump is very entertaining though, even though he completely stole his ways from that Frenchie Jean-Marie Le Pen.
I don't really care though, I'm French, so who the USA end up with doesn't matter to me.
>he' right wing leaning
>He's the only one who doesn't act like a bitch
You do realize you look like a simpleton talking out of his ass when you say stupid things you don't know anything about, right?
Also Sanders is the biggest pussy next to Jeb Bush. He let Black Lives Matter protesters hijack his event because he's a white guilt ridden progressive leftist.
Maybe you're right, IDK. I'd have to check your sources for the claims you're making, which you haven't provided. I'm willing to be a skeptic, but the policies are too appealing:
-Replace fossil fuels with alternative energy
-Universal Healthcare
-Free College admission
-Making private prisons illegal
Rather than vote for someone who'd rather settle for less, I prefer voting for someone who actually wants to make a difference for the country. I'll look into what you said, but like I can't take Sanders words at face value, I can't take yours at face value either.
I don't agree with Socialized healthcare. Look at his plan. It's very expensive and he's going to raise taxes on everyone and still won't be enough to pay off his plan. Even he's not entirely sure how much that's going to cost and has been super wrong in his prediction. Some believe it's going to exceed his 18.5 Trillion proposal by a lot.
And personally, I think a freer market will do people better. Part of the reason why medicine and treatment is so expensive in our healthcare is because govt. intervention, not the lack of it.
Free college is going to make it harder for poorer people to get jobs while forcing them to pay other people to get skills they don't. Look at tuition and how much higher it's gotten since govt. started to subsidize higher education. It's not sustainable and it's not unreasonable for people to not want to pay into that.
And I do agree there needs to be a phase out of for profit private prisons but seeing as how our criminal justice system is broken that needs priority. The relationship between less crimes are more people in prison isn't a correlation since they're both linked to each other directly.
Same with clean energy sources. Market and the people need to take initiative, not Uncle Sam.
As for the sources, you probably already have Sander's page bookmarked but a lot of things he says were in the debates and his
Also I don't care if you don't take my statements of him at face value but YOU need to be way more critical of him, and no, him promising free shit isn't a good reason to even remotely care about him. He is a demagogue and I don't think there is "free lunch".
Min. wage is garbage and acts as a floor into the market.
You want more sources though, right?
Sanders is very pro-war and intervionist state. He's voted to keep Guantanamo bay open. He's voted for having no fly zones in Libya. He's voted to expand the military industrial complex several times.