asaforever wrote...
Karina Arls wrote...
asaforever wrote...
Karina Arls wrote...
asaforever wrote...
Karina Arls wrote...
asaforever wrote...
Karina Arls wrote...
asaforever wrote...
Karina Arls wrote...
Asa, Easter in Austria is so grand isn't it~ I'm impressed
Sure thing, you´re welcome to join us anytime if you want to drop by :)
From the sound of it, you didn't even celebrate it... When your whole country is burstling with Festivals, did you lock yourself in your room at home.....?
Theres nothing to celebrate yet silly~!
The easter and egghunt starts on sunday, today is just a regular day.
*bonks you with a marshmallow*
Did you at least decorate some eggs?
Of course , sure diddely-did :D
And tomorrw is going to be the egg seeking outside :D
How nice... I've never been in a full-scale festival where everyone in the city would participate....
I was always thinking that huge festivals are a rather common thing on your side of the world though. Have i been missinformed?
Totally misinformed!
Look here, on here there is forests, deserts, lakes, mountains, and seas... Oh and some human settlement cities I guess.... But there's nothing like that anyway.... Dumb humans
And you just happen to live in a huge city by accident xD
You should try to visit some smaller places then, im quite sure festivals of that kind are more celebrated the smaller the village/city gets.
Hmm.... Not that the city or villages here is nowhere as neat and pretty as it is in there.... You can think of the villages here as some savage dwelling ruins
Kaypi wrote...
Karina Arls wrote...
Kaypi wrote...
Karina Arls wrote...
Kaypi wrote...
That sucks hope you get better and did you hear that gintama is coming back *yay*
I still have hundreds of episodes to go before watching the new one tho.... Wait, I doubt you have watched all those episodes before as well... You probably skipped many of them!
I began watching it when it was still on 50 episodes I've watched it all :)
Then, which episode was it when Sadaharu fell in love?
I cant remember the exact episode um somewhere in the hundreds?
Beep Beep... It wasn't even a hundred yet... And I could ask you about Hijikata's Mayorin adventure which was beyond cute, but I guess you're not good enough to guess mayo.