Old - Jenkins wrote...
Being one of Capcom's premier (ahem) franchises, Dead Rising isn't actually that strange of a game. You use your internet quota for what? Streaming poron? Good.
How about them multiple Tanks in the end of Swamp Fever? Alone, Tank is not really difficult to incapacitate, but 2 of the damn thing is enough to wet your pants.
Witches are weak against doors and stairs. Have you ever tried to engage them in a place that has many rooms? It is encouraged to make use of the doors to hold the Witch for at least 1 second - enough to spray her with shotgun bullets from close range. What makes them considerably more dangerous in Hard Rain, aside from quantity, is because the whole chapters take place on open areas and all things you mentioned.
Ha yeah, depending on the situation, Boomer and Spitter can cause havoc when establishing a formation. Smoker, Jockey, and Charger are lethal during stages that require you to follow a certain path to the saferoom, like the roller-coaster ride in Dark Carnival. Hunter is the tamest out of them all, but there are only a few things more annoying than having a Hunter welcome you inside a saferoom.
The Parish aye? It is my favorite stage, mainly because I always acted as the sacrifice when things went dire.
dota 2,what else,it eat big quota afterall~
tank is easy to kill and spot when you have molotov,not really a problem,except you're in a small place/room or when there's horde of zombies~ as long as you can run tank is not problem~
I don't mean room,hmm...,how you said it,like in office where there's so many workplace using a ummm "bilik" chamber? i dunno what to call that~ so hard to spot short enemies like sitting witch,hunter,and jockey~
dor is useless to witch,tired it and she just pass through without have to hit the door~ like when using hunter and u jump,door destroyed without need to hit or jump twice~
hunter is less dangerous because he have speed,so easy to use hunter and can move very quick,and if you're not a bot or with bot,almost impossible to notice him in certain places,or areas~ jumping is good,jump scare~
meanwhile the one most useful is charger,then again it's hard to use him,or for him to catch the enemies and drag em away~ tho in my opinion for the rollercoaster,the one who will be most dangerous is spitter,when he block the way in high place or inside small tunnel in rollercoaster path~ spitter damage so hurt in high difficulties,while in normal or easy you can simply pass it~
probably yes,i kind of forget the name,I always hate the place,human always get great disadvantage while playing in there,charger so hurt and can instant kill,tank means you're dead,smoker so deadly,Jockey will kidnaps you all the time,and last the never ending zombie horde~ ohh not to mention there's no room there,means your ally will never respawn in mid stage.....