I have considered it. As things won't get any better anywhere in the country I'll have to go outside and now in the process of obtaining the necessary qualifications for that. Which, since I'm not really cut for normal jobs, means I need to get at least a PhD first and that would take some years. Lol.
To return to a more serious tone, lets discuss money and its allocation within secular morality. Is it morally justified to accrue personal finances as a mark of successes, or is it morally right to reallocate the money to those of a lower socioeconomic standing? There is of course a middle ground to be found, but where exactly along the spectrum does it lie? Should one be more charitable than wealthy, or is the economic system unbalanced to a degree that balancing it by the redistribution of financial assets would destabilize the already precarious position of the global economy?
I can't contribute much at all to this, being rather oblivious of how the global economy works outside of military related factors. I can only say that I am by nurture a charitable person, this comes from a life lesson learned that no matter how low I am, there are others in worse conditions than me. That being said, I don't spend much on living expenses so I save a lot of my money and quite a bit of it is given to aid groups who I ideally support like 'Military Minds'
Also, I don't find it wrong to want to accumulate your wealth, I do that occasionally when I have something costly to buy(new weapons, gear, paraphernalia, what have you)