Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today.

Fallan Kamen Rider Cheeki
Gambler wrote...
Fallan wrote...
Shiki: My only fakku ban was I posted a picture of a bunch of naked young boys

Ah forgot.

xxxholic18, NanayaShiki, Fallan. 7 years here.

Fallan, not fallen, I always remind myself.

The trick is, just use Shiki since that's easier, Bearman!
Gambler wrote...

Your style of posting is unique! I like it!

I am a big fan of Senran Kagura too, as mentioned earlier. Still contemplating a decision to purchase a Vita for the Senran Kagura titles. I have them on the 3DS though.

Thanks! Bullet Paragraphs (lol)

Don't contemplate, BLAZE. GET. ACQUIRE.
Gambler wrote...

Gism88 wrote...

Working Part-Time at a computer refurb place and going to University, from which I will be graduating in the Fall.
Doing a lot of Art and comic work lately, and will be putting out stuff soon.

I can't help but remember you as another badass member too. :D

Seems like quite a number of members are completing their education stint, yourself included.

I don't remember being badass in anyway haha.
It was probably that one avatar that I had.
Aai FAKKU Ass Master
ah shit son it's gamblo the gabmla butt face and what the fuck am I even doing here
To fuel the nostalgia here's something pretty neat, wish it was updated since it's really cool: http://fakku.wikia.com/wiki/Category:FAKKU!_Users
Misaki_Chi wrote...
To fuel the nostalgia here's something pretty neat, wish it was updated since it's really cool: http://fakku.wikia.com/wiki/Category:FAKKU!_Users

Hah, I made a thread about the wikia 3 years ago.

Forum Image: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fakku/images/e/e9/3%2C000%2C000.png/revision/latest?cb=20120321014241
freakin old fags.. FOSSILS came back to life.
BadDay wrote...
freakin old fags.. FOSSILS came back to life.

We all recently saw Jurassic World and wanted to re-enact it. Want to see dinosaurs come back to life and tell the humans their life story on the big screen? Go watch the movie.
Longevity wrote...
Yo, joined 2009. I miss the "I'm Elder Now" posts.

What was the title before "Elder" was achieved? I am unable to recall.

asaforever wrote...

Asa here, been here without namechange since 2008.
Still having the same job that i started with back in 2001, and no plans on changing that till retirmement. Im positively surprised to see so many faces that i havent seen in a while :)
Good to see erryones still up and kickin´

You shouldn't be getting a namechange. After all, it is Asaforever.

I did not know you have been working at the same position for such a long period of time.

BagMan wrote...

My love for Menma is as strong if not stronger than ever.

Am I likely to cry buckets after watching the anime? I need to be mentally prepared.

Laggi wrote...
Hi group, I'm Laggi and I'm a porn/hentai addict.

Was lured into the thread by Nekohime and Aki-Chan after a loooong long break.

Also been dating m.m. (formerly known as Merriment, another Fakker that I met in here) for some years now, probably 3 or something.

Most of us are hentai and pron addicts. :D

I am glad Nekohime and Aki-Chan dragged you back, at least for this particular occasion.

It appears Fakku should diversify its core business. A dating site might turn out to be profitable, given the couples I have read about.

menolly-hime wrote...
HELLO I AM LATE BUT I MADE IT; ; i just got message!!

still in university. mostly upload art, do music on youtube, and play vidya inbetween school and general life. you can usually find me active on twitter and LINE more than other social media.

b-bear tribute, using one of my favourite mascots, korilakkuma ////

Forum Image: https://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lx0omkTh401qhac9do1_500.jpg

Glad you could make it! :)

We do need to converse more often. This applies to all members.

I assume you are still a big fan of the characters from Sanrio?

Misaki_Chi wrote...
This is an awesome thread! Love reading about all kinds of users on here and it's neat to see a lot of veterans on the site popping up.

I don't really consider myself an older user, but I guess I may have been on here long enough to not be considered a new user either, idk.

When I first joined I was in college studying to be a nurse. I graduated in august with my BSN in nursing and now am currently working for a hospital as a full time night shift nurse (I still love the H reference to my shift choice kuekuekue). I really like what I'm doing, but hopefully I can find better hours and pay in the future. Also saving to move back closer to my family since I hate being so far away from them (they have health issues and I want to help them out).

As bear is getting older, my memory might be failing me. I can't remember if I have spoken in-depth with yourself previously.

On the topic of nurses, I feel they are under-appreciated at times. The title "nurse" may not sound as prestigious as that of "doctor", but without the former, the latter will have difficulty coping with patients and tasks.

We must never take our family members and friends for granted. It delights me to know that you treasure your family members too. :)

Rbz wrote...

Gambler wrote...
Send them my regards if you are still in contact with them.

Send your regards to my fucking face, bitch.

Gambler wrote...
All of us have grown over the years. :)

Fucking right, I've grown. I can barely get out of the house without tripping over my cock. Consider yourself a miracle worker by indirectly managing to get me out of the vidya section. Wait no more, buddy, I'll tell you everything you need to know about me:

Hi, my name is Rbz and I'm a recovering pornoholic. I know I relapse every single day of my life, but I'm confident I can rid my soul of this titillating semen demon by appealing to the lord, thy God, Zeus. Every time I pray, this demon causes impure thoughts of Aphrodite's perfect breasteses. I wake up in the middle of the night only to see my computer on with some doujin open and at that part where the hips start moving on their own. I think it's a message telling me my hips will soon start moving without my consent. I've been wrestling with this issue for years, preferring to use my right hand, but I know I'll get over this any day now. Thanks for listening. Zeus bless.

Gambler wrote...
My obsession with bears has increased over the years. :D

To the point where you're seen as one of them, apparently. See, I was walking past some dude yesterday who was being asked incredulous questions, to which he replied, "Does a Gambler shit in the woods?" Finally made sense of that.

Ah, the image. One of the main causes of my relapses nowadays:
Forum Image: https://d.maxfile.ro/eokjzpykbm.png

As requested, quoting your post and sending my best regards... in your face. :D

I do have a question. Whatever happened to the avatar and motto "If you fuck with me, I will fuck with you even harder", or something along those lines?

Gahald_Mills wrote...

Currently playing several games that I missed such as Metro Last Light(that I finished last night)

and finishing this

Forum Image: https://scontent-sin1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11427210_10205857042162615_8880519863835281987_n.jpg?oh=b45d26ce47fd9448954718609bdb603a&oe=5628BF76

Model kits are serious business. Nonetheless, I am happy you took time off your vices to join us here.

crazr wrote...

All of a sudden, I disappeared once more due to school and my job. It was not until the beginning of this year that I rejoined the community. I was even more overjoyed this time around and tried my damndest to socialize with everyone. I broke out from being a recluse that hid in the safety of the writing and romance sections. I can honestly say that I have no regrets I did so. I have met so many new people that even though they might not be fond of me, I am fond of them. It's really brought me some happy memories that I can cherish.

Now with school starting up again in Fall as well as my job, I'm scared that I might disappear again. I'm going to make a promise now that I will find the time to at least talk even for just a little bit to the community that has accepted me with open arms. Even with all the things going on in real life, I'm determined to stay active on here. When I finally get my degree, it'll feel that much more impressive if I can brag to this lovely community. I will welcome the cheers of support and mockery equally!

Looking forward to more conversations with yourself in various parts of the forum, provided I am able to cough up the time and energy. ^_^;;

Like I used to say: Once a member of Fakku, Always a member of Fakku.

PumpJack McGee wrote...

-I try to draw stuff. Have basically dead accounts on DeviantArt and HentaiFoundry.
-Construction worker. Been up and down the country on several projects for the past 5 years.
-Collector of Scotch, Weapons, Flags, Guns, Watches, and Antiques.
-Like to do some off-roading, boating, and sport/target shooting.
-Want to play videogames and watch anime, but have very little time to do either.
-Currently battling that confusing feeling when you're not sure if you're hungry or not.

I will never forget the gangsta art you created, portraying some of the members.

That and you have a long and catchy username.

Is the construction industry faring well these days?

Kuro vi Lolitannia wrote...
...Damn I'm late.

Been here since 2008. Going on hiatus because loli stuffs were banned.

Try as they might, your passion for materials falling under the loli genre remains strong.

Ziggy wrote...
Only Gambler could bring everyone together :P

GreenZero wrote...
As one of the most loved members of Fakku he has that power

Most members who have posted made an effort to come back, despite their busy schedules. They could have ignored my requests and pleas. However, I am sure they feel the same way as I do. Deep down, the forums hold a special place in their hearts.

Winged-Fapper wrote...
Been here since 2011. I like coming here when I need a a good laugh. So, probably not considered a elder, but not a newfag anymore either.

Do continue to stay and grow with the community. Meet new users, start new friendships! :)

Longevity wrote...
No Harmonian, no Nashrakh, no Captain Badass!

This revival could do better.

Unfortunately, I do not have the means to contact them. If you are still in communication with said members, perhaps you could request them to grace the forums with their presence once more?

voltampirs wrote...
Lesee.... I joined 6 years ago, fooled around in the Flip thread among other things (those quote towers were beautiful). Went inactive due to college and eventually a bit of work. Now currently studying japanese language.......well, waiting for the next level's class schedule to open to be exact.

Last time we spoke, you were embarking on your learning journey of the Japanese language. I am pretty sure your proficiency has improved by leaps and bounds since then. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for myself. Bear has been lazy. ^_^;;

Azuran wrote...

Now back to the underground I go. I love you all!

Don't forget to strike up a conversation or discussion with myself every now and then!

Fallan wrote...

The trick is, just use Shiki since that's easier, Bearman!

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions. :D

Yuuki wrote...

Thanks! Bullet Paragraphs (lol)

Don't contemplate, BLAZE. GET. ACQUIRE.

Should I decide to purchase both titles of Senran Kagura for the Vita, would you recommend the limited edition bundle, assuming they are still available on the market?

Aai wrote...
ah shit son it's gamblo the gabmla butt face and what the fuck am I even doing here

You are one of us. :D

BadDay wrote...
freakin old fags.. FOSSILS came back to life.

I would place you under the same category too. :)

BadDay wrote...
freakin old fags.. FOSSILS came back to life.

*Cue the Jurassic Park / World theme song*

Being able to see lots of veteran members once again has brought about great joy. I don't suppose the nostalgia applies only to myself? Most of you must have felt something too, no?

There are more members whom I recall fondly, but they have yet to turn up. Maybe they are no longer around. As a last resort, I will send them a PM, and hope my thoughts reach them.
Gambler wrote...
I do have a question. Whatever happened to the avatar and motto "If you fuck with me, I will fuck with you even harder", or something along those lines?

It was a vestige from my "fuck the police," edgemaster teenage days. I finally decided to update it to something more in line with my current facetiousness laden, comedic mindset. Couldn't use the one I wanted so I settled for a dapper, devilish duck who dicks. Also made a new signature for it, which should be reminiscent of that old tag line you remembered.

Also, @doswillrule. Get in here, faggot.
So yeah. Names Melfice, and I've been here since 2009 - about half a year before my high school graduation.
the reason? I fucking wanted to play Ever 17 and this was the only page that seemed to have it
After that I have been a soldier for 9 months (mandatory drafted)
and since then I became a student.
2012 I became a software developer for a small local company and still am to this day.
in 2013 I became a tutor at our Universoty for Programming 101 (non Computer studies courses)
And in the end of 2013 I became a cook for a local relief unit.

so I've been coming around a little.
as a picture the Advertising we made for the Unit. Cause the shoot was funny
Forum Image: http://i4.minus.com/ibrpD2rzl1jxw7.jpg
Rbz wrote...
What the fuck is this twitter bullshit? Maybe I'm old school, but I prefer harassing people's notification system by quoting them. #FuckHashtags

No prob. And thanks for replying.

Rbz wrote...
Oh shit, nigga, I remember exactly how I got you on the homo bit, too. Posted a vid by The Amazing Atheist wherein he demonstrated the fatuity of claiming that it is unnatural. You then apologized for your arguments and went quiet.

My egotism gone Q.Q aside, but after 5 years for you to remember... Haha what are we doing with our lives man?

Rbz wrote...
Also, since you mentioned being a ruski citizen, I noticed your name finally meaning something. Oпа Нихуя. Last thing. Make sure to ask Putin if he got that thing I sent him. My Russian is not as good as it once was, so if he got the wrong one, tell him to clarify specifically which dragon dildo caught his fancy, so I can send the one that will catch his fanny.

I'll tell him his close friend from Ontario was sending his ardent regards.
opanihuya wrote...
but after 5 years for you to remember

Someone on the internet genuinely admitting they were wrong to you on a controversial topic and then apologizing is as memorable as 9/11.

opanihuya wrote...
his close friend from Ontario.

U wot m8? Nah, I don't live in that herpes-ridden, NEXUS grease river infested, syrup slurping, hockey humping, canuckold cuckold country. Uhhhhhhhhhh, what were we talking aboot? I only have things that matter on my mind right now. Oh, right, I live in New York City. America's pretty shit, but it's the kind of shit you can look at and be proud of and be unable to flush because it's just begging to be viewed by others. Then you polish it, put it behind some rope and, like a good capitalist, charge people to see it. It would have fans behind it blowing in the direction of the spectators so they could smell it, too, giving them an experience worth every penny.

Member since '09, lurker since I don't know, a year or two before that?

Yeah. There was a period when I was a somewhat active user, used to hang around the IRC and in some Skype chats. Now I check in here, the IRC and Skype every now and then, but sadly I've fallen out of touch with essentially everyone I had contact with on here.


Bear tax.
Forum Image: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/db/f2/91/dbf291584925b7d63991f7d3bca845fa.jpg
Rbz wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
but after 5 years for you to remember

Someone on the internet genuinely admitting they were wrong to you on a controversial topic and then apologizing is as memorable as 9/11.

opanihuya wrote...
his close friend from Ontario.

U wot m8? Nah, I don't live in that herpes-ridden, NEXUS grease river infested, syrup slurping, hockey humping, canuckold cuckold country. Uhhhhhhhhhh, what were we talking aboot? I only have things that matter on my mind right now. Oh, right, I live in New York City. America's pretty shit, but it's the kind of shit you can look at and be proud of and be unable to flush because it's just begging to be viewed by others. Then you polish it, put it behind some rope and, like a good capitalist, charge people to see it. It would have fans behind it blowing in the direction of the spectators so they could smell it, too, giving them an experience worth every penny.

aww shit i messed Brooklyn with Brooklin. And nah, it wasn't as much back then. I said a lot of controversial stuff and people considered. I was the same.

and you sure haven't changed dude
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/iyRik/1ba86461fd.png

Hey @Rbz, blow me. Sorry I'm late Gambler - good to see you still setting the gold standard for post quality, cordiality and being a goddamn bear.

dos here. Browsing since 2007; joined in '08 after the Wolfenstein:ET/Star Trek Armada 2 clan I co-ran went tits up, and I needed a new place to sink some hours. Camped in SD for a few months and made a couple of decent friends, then decided I didn't want to while away all my hours on a porn site. Gave up on that self-instigated guilt trip about six months later, and have been hanging about with decreasing frequency ever since.

If anyone remembers me it's probably for a bunch of failed civic projects, the most successful of which was the Seasonal Writing Contest, which (iirc) I proposed and set up with help from another lost elder, neko-chan. Good to see the far better qualified @Xenon carrying the baton on that one - fiction's never been my forte, and I always felt like a bit of a dick barging in and declaring myself de facto judge of all those people's hard work.

Other highlights include the Fakku Wiki I started in a vain effort to immortalise forum members who probably didn't want another permanent internet record of their sexual proclivities; and a Fakku e-zine, for which I wrote a bunch o' stuff, did some concept work and convinced Tegumi (a Kindle review), Nekohime (a recipe), Rbz (usual funny shit) and Kaimax (a VN review) to submit articles, among others. Never saw the light of day, as my co-collaborator who promised to do all the InDesign work (which I now know would have been super rudimentary) never got further than samples.

I also won an Obama porn caption contest, wrote a master list for Music which never got stickied (2018 hype), started the Gentleman's Club with Black Jesus JC, made people shitty Impact-smothered signatures, and was pretty active in Nosebleed for a while, compiling and updating image archives for popular threads.

Having joined a few years south of proper, I graduated with a bachelors in Journalism last year with gold fucking stars. It being journalism, I'm currently unemployed. Y'all want me to write you a visual novel or comically embellished eulogy, just holler. And it's good to see some of the old gang back together.

Couple of old avis I dug up
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/iySw3/7885c749e5.jpgForum Image: http://puu.sh/iySPd/30808cb833.jpg
Gambler wrote...
Am I likely to cry buckets after watching the anime? I need to be mentally prepared.

It's pretty emotional. I cried for a while at the ending and just about all the way through the movie. That being said I can't speak for everyone on the crying front, but if you're prone to crying at movies and shows and such then yeah, might want to get the tissues ready. Crying is certainly something within the anime's power to make you do.
Gambler wrote...

PumpJack McGee wrote...

-I try to draw stuff. Have basically dead accounts on DeviantArt and HentaiFoundry.
-Construction worker. Been up and down the country on several projects for the past 5 years.
-Collector of Scotch, Weapons, Flags, Guns, Watches, and Antiques.
-Like to do some off-roading, boating, and sport/target shooting.
-Want to play videogames and watch anime, but have very little time to do either.
-Currently battling that confusing feeling when you're not sure if you're hungry or not.

I will never forget the gangsta art you created, portraying some of the members.

That and you have a long and catchy username.

Is the construction industry faring well these days?

Construction is always faring somewhere, I just gotta follow it to wherever the hotspots are.

Some hassle, but it keeps food on the table.

Were you around when I drew the other Fakku group picture? Spawned from a random blurb that Antwon bust out- a tale of heartbreak, danger, and heroism. You feature as one of the protags.

doswillrule wrote...

Dos, you mofo- where the hell you been?
or maybe i would be known as Hanasaku, Jikan no Iteyui-chan, and that last name that i will not say, but i had a surgeon install rotary blades
yeah your average chatfag anon, although a lot of people avoid me

Started in 2007 off an ad? I'm not really sure though, but I was so fucking thirsty for hentai I couldn't really care about the site I just went. Created my account in 2008 mostly shitposting in IB and stuff , when I got bored with that I moved into ctfg and made new friends there (ignored users society ho), became inactive for a while, and finally deleted my original account around feburary this year. There were just too many people I didn't want to know. Created this alt when I was thinking of leaving some time back, and also this account is pretty much my favourites holder and all those fucked up stuff. And this helps me to shitpost without being butthurt.

Anyway: real life: Started as a student when I joined, as of now I'm still a student. Just graduated like 3 times during the course of my time here haha. I keep contact with some people on ctfg and ib, and occasionally play games with them. Besides school, I have work, at a small delicatessens. I serve there. and kitchen work.

Personality wise I have learnt not to care too much about others during my time here. They're all going to leave anyway. Just appreciate the ones you have. Although it's also through fakku that I found true love, and that outweighs the guilt of fapping 6 times at night.

the people who knew me aren't here to just pass.
and i'm totally a guy so please address me as so

luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Gambler wrote...
What was the title before "Elder" was achieved? I am unable to recall.
