Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today.

Gambler stalked me on a site that shall not be named, so here I am.

'Sup oldfags! Nekohime here, Princess of Cats, and sometimes Princess of Ponies as well. I finally joined Fakku in 2011-ish after meeting the Jacob and the rest of the guys at AX, but before that I was on the site for quite a while, just browsing the goodies.

You may remember me from my monthly cooking contest called "Top Chef Fakku" over at Food and Cooking, or from the Sex Toys thread, from the Christmas Grinch Thread, or from the My Little Pony fan thread updates as Princess Luna. Alas, I have no time for any of that now. I was funemployed when I started posting here, but now I'm employed in a job that sucks all the time out of my life. I've got to get out of this industry before I die of overwork...

I still talk to some of you in different places though. You know who y'all are! You have my WhatsApp/Skype/other social media!

So if you dare to find me, look to the western skies... That is, Los Angeles--I'll probably be at AX again this year (though not all 4 days because as I've mentioned many times in this post, my work sucks). If you see me milling around the F! booth or in line for something, don't hesitate to say hi! I will give you a hug.

Edit: Forgot a pic, so here's one of me in costume.

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/20VB4RD.jpg
Hi. I dunno what to say.

I joined 09/2009 the first few minutes I found Fakku. Since then I've been active around the forums, until around 2013 where I went into full lurker mode, only visiting once in a while (still am, kinda).

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/yiHdhmQ.png
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Hey Gambler,

You've always been a very kind Fakku member that always went out of your way to reach out to others even if contact is limited.

I'm Ziggy, I've been here since 2008. I met a significant other on here and we lived together for almost 6 years before I ended the relationship.

During that time, I went from going to school for chiropractic to business management, to graphic design. Was a contractor for Project-H for a good while before I quit there and focused on school and that's when Jake picked me up for Fakku Books which has lasted for almost a year now and going well. I didn't finish school though, figured now wasn't the time and I wanted to focus more of my energy towards Fakku Books and seeing it grow with everyone.

Like most users I went through good times and real bad times, but things are starting to look better maybe. 2011 and 2013-2014 were probably my hardest years to deal with.

Anyway, my photo contribution:
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/bZOxjTu.jpg
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Wow so many people coming out of the woodworks to say say hi.

I haven't seen some of these posters in ages.
Fallan Kamen Rider Cheeki
Shiki: My only fakku ban was I posted a picture of a bunch of naked young boys

Ah forgot.

xxxholic18, NanayaShiki, Fallan. 7 years here.
こんにちはYou Glorious Magnificent Bastards!

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IIqMc4m.jpg Hi guys, I'm Yuuki. I first joined exactly 7 years ago today and here's proof.
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/e27yAPc.jpg
It's a pretty awesome coincidence that as I logged in today, my account here suddenly grew a little bit older (lol)

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IIqMc4m.jpg I have been part of the Old Great Fakku (Like Mote-Mote Battle and the Like) it was fun. There were three people who was very warm in welcoming me into the forums, they were "Blank_Zai" "Rin_Penelope" and "Korou", they are probably going on with their lives too but I really appreciate their welcome. I then slowly got used to the community and I met a lot of AWESOME people here.

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IIqMc4m.jpg I tried to make contributions to brighten up the community by posting around and making threads like:
Yuuki's Cosplay Cafe (Sadpanda died and this thread along with it.)
Yuuki's Avatar and Sig Cafe
v - I'm the one who made these badges from scratch, I gave away the template so the community will benefit from it.
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/SXAxbbN.gif
^ - It went out of hand though = _ = Like the user above me (LEL SHIKI)

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IIqMc4m.jpg My Fakku visits lessened as I was mid-way in College (I'm an Art Student), landed a job and went through a handful of women (lel)

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IIqMc4m.jpg Today, I'm currently working as a "Graphic Artist" for an Advertising+Printing Company (Basically we print ads and put them up) Currently, I'm the only one that handles all the artworks that'll be printed and its pretty exhausting. This freaking company made me create an internal website on my first days there and I was like (I'm not a WEB DEV JEEBUS CRIES) but I still went and made one.

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IIqMc4m.jpg My only hobbies nowadays are:
Kantai Collection(I'm a First Gen Player)
Monster Hunter 4
Cleaning up unplayed PS3 games
Japanese VITA Games (I'm translating the story of Senran Kagura 2 @ gamefaqs)
Love Live Rhythm Game on my Phone.
and of course Watching Anime

Here is me Yuuki Tax
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/a3PxZhs.jpg

Yuuki wrote...
こんにちはYou Glorious Magnificent Bastards!

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IIqMc4m.jpg Hi guys, I'm Yuuki. I first joined exactly 7 years ago today and here's proof.
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/e27yAPc.jpg
It's a pretty awesome coincidence that as I logged in today, my account here suddenly grew a little bit older (lol)

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IIqMc4m.jpg I have been part of the Old Great Fakku (Like Mote-Mote Battle and the Like) it was fun. There were three people who was very warm in welcoming me into the forums, they were "Blank_Zai" "Rin_Penelope" and "Korou", they are probably going on with their lives too but I really appreciate their welcome. I then slowly got used to the community and I met a lot of AWESOME people here.

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IIqMc4m.jpg I tried to make contributions to brighten up the community by posting around and making threads like:
Yuuki's Cosplay Cafe (Sadpanda died and this thread along with it.)
Yuuki's Avatar and Sig Cafe
v - I'm the one who made these badges from scratch, I gave away the template so the community will benefit from it.
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/SXAxbbN.gif
^ - It went out of hand though = _ = Like the user above me (LEL SHIKI)

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IIqMc4m.jpg My Fakku visits lessened as I was mid-way in College (I'm an Art Student), landed a job and went through a handful of women (lel)

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IIqMc4m.jpg Today, I'm currently working as a "Graphic Artist" for an Advertising+Printing Company (Basically we print ads and put them up) Currently, I'm the only one that handles all the artworks that'll be printed and its pretty exhausting. This freaking company made me create an internal website on my first days there and I was like (I'm not a WEB DEV JEEBUS CRIES) but I still went and made one.

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IIqMc4m.jpg My only hobbies nowadays are:
Kantai Collection(I'm a First Gen Player)
Monster Hunter 4
Cleaning up unplayed PS3 games
Japanese VITA Games (I'm translating the story of Senran Kagura 2 @ gamefaqs)
Love Live Rhythm Game on my Phone.
and of course Watching Anime

Here is me Yuuki Tax
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/snI5i4l.jpg

Interesting, I love the Senran Kagura series as well, but I have to ask why are you translating SK2 if its getting localized in a few months?
Damoz ~Not A User~
Been around for a while, although no longer active~

Been out of work for almost 4 years now. Just been playing games and staying away from people~

Was engaged for a while, but didn't work out~

Now i just help people in online gaming and such. Depends if i can afford the titles~

Yeah that's about it~
It sure has been a while.

And man....
Some old faces are just popping up....

Its been a great couple of years since I joined back in 2010.
Had a real hard time after ending my service and looking for a job...
Family issues were spiking...

My attititude towards things shifted....

Went through a 7 month drought without job.... before landing one that pays well....
My girlfriend stuck with me during that time.... For that, she shall always be the love of me heart.

Currently working on projects that i had long since left behind when i left the site, and those that i had set for myself....

Made amends with personal issues that have haunted me.... With family and friends that have come and gone.... Whether for a brief period.... Or till we see each other again....

Acquired a love for folks in general and a higher level of patience, maturity and understanding....

Overall, id say, i have grown....since the last time I was here. Although Gambler can attest to things differently. Lol.

Miss you G!
Sneakyone wrote...
Interesting, I love the Senran Kagura series as well, but I have to ask why are you translating SK2 if its getting localized in a few months?

Same with the first game, the English will take months before it comes out so I helped someone translate the story of the game for the Players that can't read. Same thing I'm doing with SK2.
I made it, where's the party at?


Iam here, was active on 2009, until misfortunes happened(hit my head in weird places)and eventually became more prone to memory loss

Finally graduated last 2 years ago, and finding a real job that doesnt involve slim and shady things

and I presume I once in a while post here for a random reason.
while lurking at the flash games section to regenerate my crashed archives
(I estimate it's about 2000+ consisting of weird shit moonrune games)

So yeah, when do we sing "Secret Base ~10 years version"?
Waar wrote...
Gambler wrote...
Your avatar has changed plenty of times over the years too.

More importantly, I am glad to see a certain topic faring well. :)

Until I feel like locking it again. Hi Gamb.

No, you can't do that... Fag.

I saw zak's name pop up, and now I feel like a zak remembrance thread is in order.
cruz737 wrote...
Wow so many people coming out of the woodworks to say say hi.

I haven't seen some of these posters in ages.

The happiness of Gambler reading your life story.
Hi kickass pervert here lucker since 2010.
A certain cyclops loving guy made me have the love of monster girls I have today.
Losing interest in site but the forums and some people on The fourms make me laugh once in awhile which is enough to make me stay.
Sorry for being so late Gambler.

I'm GreenZero because Green is my favorite color and I was watching Code Geass during the period I made my account. Made my account 7 years ago but I found Fakku before that when I was looking around for hentai, I made my account for the Mote Mote battle and then got interested in the community and started posting.

Life's been a series of small jobs and unemployment since I graduated, and I'm currently trying to get into a school to learn to be a game developer.

I'm still of course an anime, manga and games nerd, and my love for Star Wars still burns bright as well.

Don't post as much on the forums as I did several years ago but I've made many awesome friends on this site and now I talk with them mainly on Skype instead.
I would also like to apologize to you Gambler :( I was in Singapore for 3 days and we couldn't meet up.

More info though, I've given up on every MOBA and have been playing Hearthstone for 2 years now. Don't regret it. Also. Work life sucks
ohai thread (almost forgot about this)
my name is FreeOtakuGhost36.
i'm the user that most people know as the Sunohara guy or that a-hole who's lucky enough to live in japan and posted lots of event loots during the stay.lol

i've been a lurker from 2007 and officially joined fakku in 2009.
my first post was a youtube thread about a skiing athlete that got his balls knocked by a pole and the narrator were laughing crisply.

back when there's no CTFG,i used to hang around in FCB and getting know some of the old gakkuzzas that already introduced themself in here.

i used to live in tokyo for 6 years as an animation & movie university student.i've attended Comiket from summer 2009 - winter 2013,reitaisai,design festa and tora matsuri. besides that,i also hangs around in Akihabara almost every day because my college is within the akihabara area.
even though most of the time i made people jealous for it but i did know specific things because of it. so that's why i'm able to be the guide for fakkuzzas that wants me to take them around akiba and ariyake during comiket season.

since i left japan,i'm still active logging in here (although i rarely around these days because i'm mostly playing monhan with kaimax and others.lol) while i'm working as a Local Restaurant's Company Director now.

i swear i'll get my ass to one of cons in US where there's a fakku panel on it & get into the comiket battlefield again.lol
winter55 wrote...

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/iwemD/8093f03e54.gif

A picture speaks a thousand words?

Renovartio wrote...

Currently Infatuated with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Though this past week I've been getting back to Minecraft.

Don't play Minecraft with me if you can't build according to a theme. I got OCD like that.

Hestia should be one of the most popular female characters this season.

Monster Hunter and Minecraft are both addictive and time-consuming games, aren't they?

rokushou wrote...

Now I'm with this cosplayer girl who is a closet pervert and I'm thinking of settling down with her. Yep.

It's been a while since I last checked here. It feels nice to be at home again.

Since we are neighbours, will I be invited to the wedding? :D

Yes, it feels good to return home.

cruz737 wrote...
Forum Image: http://a.loveisover.me/eatrqc.gif

Oh hi, I remember you.

I guess I was a lurker in 2009, and then I had my account deleted because hotmail was retarded. I've been here for over 5 years now, soon approaching 6(unofficially). I'm still in University(thank goodness I graduate soon) and I hope to not be a bum on the streets. Truth be told I'm starting lose interest in this site, and I only find myself coming back because of the forums.

A fan of milk or Senran Kagura? I only have the 3DS titles. Might purchase a Vita for the Senran Kagura titles on that particular platform.

Good luck with your studies. I agree most users return mainly for the forums.

Odamust wrote...

At the moment, I'm about a semester away from finishing my biomed course so it has been pretty stressful. It's even more stressful when my exams are still going on. Currently aiming to get a place for internship in certain labs in my university. I haven't been watching as many anime series as I used to nowadays, though I would always make an effort to clear up some bits of my never-ending backlog from time to time. I never thought that I'd still be visiting Fakku until today. I've met a lot of cool and unique people here. Still keeping in touch with some of them, especially on Skype.

With pretty much everything said, it's nice to see you again Gambler even though we've never talked before.

Forum Image: https://d.maxfile.ro/qznfktnhev.gif

First off, I wish you luck with your studies and examinations. Like yourself, I have quite a bit of backlogged anime titles which require my attention. All work and no play make us dull, so anime, manga and games should provide some form of relaxation.

We may not have spoken much to each other in the past, but I reckon this is not a bad way to start things off. :)

Tsujoi wrote...
Just posting to say "Hi." to the best mod Fakku has had.

I am not worthy. The other staff members and yourself have contributed more to the forums than I have ever done. It feels good to see my fellow staff members faring well too.

Gism88 wrote...

Working Part-Time at a computer refurb place and going to University, from which I will be graduating in the Fall.
Doing a lot of Art and comic work lately, and will be putting out stuff soon.

I can't help but remember you as another badass member too. :D

Seems like quite a number of members are completing their education stint, yourself included.

Ryssen wrote...
My grades in English has also improved greatly and I'm now allowed to drive a car legally. It'll be interested how things will look once I get out of uni in a few years.

It's been a bumpy ride but I hope it never ends.

Yet another reason why users should be active on the forums. It helps to improve their proficiency of the English language.

The ride has indeed been bumpy, but enjoyable.

BagMan wrote...

A lot of users know me as BagMan or some derivitive thereof, some (Good buddies and skype friends) know me as Eoin I don't really mind which one people use. Don't post an awful lot, especially not anymore, and it's even rarer for me to post about myself (no one really wants to hear it) but I figured if there's any thread worth doing it in it's this one.

Currently dealing with minor depression, it's not awful but it's there. Only something that's shown up in the last few months but I've always been oversensitive, I let things bother me that really shouldn't and I guess that's why I've ended up like this.

Still, I like to think I enjoy life. I have a good thing going here but it's difficult some days to think about that but I'm really thankful to this site for helping me get to know a lot of great people who share similar interests to mine.

I like to hear about my fellow forum members. I doubt I am of much help when problems arise, but finding out about everyone faring well pleases me.

Can I assume your love for Menma from "Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai" persists? I might be wrong because I have yet to watch said anime title.

Mr Hat N Klogs wrote...
I was here to see the old guard fall. Not sure if that makes me elder. Harmonian Nashrakaksdajkd and others.

That was quite some time ago. Regardless of one's period of stay here, any user is welcome to post. :)

Antw0n wrote...

A lot of people might consider me to be FAKKU's Gundam guy but I didn't really get into Gundam until after I joined FAKKU, so I wasn't always the fanatic some people know me as now. Watching G Gundam on Cartoon Network as a kid was definitely the first step in that direction.

I never thought of you as a person who is interested in Gundam, until I read your topic in the Mecha section. I guess I got to know a little more about yourself through your posts.

mibuchiha wrote...
Hey there. I joined in 2008, forgot the impetus. I was a student back then, I still am, though the level has changed somewhat. I mainly lurk these days but I've never left the forum, I don't foresee myself doing so in the near future but only time can tell.

But learning is a lifelong journey, isn't it? We will always remain a student in certain aspects.

Xenon wrote...

TL;DR: I'm Xenon, a writer from the W&F section, been here since 2008. I run the winter writing contests. I'm trying to become a librarian. I'm a tagger and uploader now. I have played PC games my whole life. PM me if you want to friend me and play some games together.

Also, Gambler, it has indeed been some time. I hope you have been and will continue to be well. My sincere regards to you.

Your username and the "Writing and Fanfiction" are synonymous, at least in my opinion.

I feel apologetic towards yourself. I could have done more for the Writing and Fanfiction section, but it never came to fruition.

Likewise, I hope you will continue to fare well in life. Promote reading and writing along the way too. :)

opanihuya wrote...
I was first this guy and fakku was my first forum. It was great rp'ing with others, still remember Zeph=3 who took a liking to me. I was new to internets and pretty judgmental, so after rbz convinced me wrong in a certain heated debate in sd concerning christianity and homosexuality i couldn't remain my persona anymore. But i still wanted to come to this place. I started anew with this account, it was around the time ib devided.

Your post reminds me of Rbz and Zeph=3 too. Send them my regards if you are still in contact with them.

All of us have grown over the years. :)

NEXUS wrote...
Found fakku around December of 2009 while looking for hentai, I lurked for a few months and joined in February of 2010. Been here ever since.

Still using the same avatar. :)

Waar wrote...
Hi Gamb.

Hi Waar. Glad to see you faring fine too. I noticed your avatar has not been changed either. :)

gitaaa wrote...

I don't post as much anymore mainly because interest in the site is starting to fade, and because I have the coolest people in skype now. Me, Ryssen and Lughost started a small comfy chat group; now it's much bigger and full of wonderful people. We play/share games with each other from time to time. I love everyone in there.

I like animu, I like cute shit. I'm decent at Touhou. I play a MOBA (I should stop). 2 years left till I graduate from college. Fumbling around at life. Here's a neko.

Send my regards to the users on your Skype group!

I had to look up the definition of MOBA.

Old - Jenkins wrote...

In all honesty, I am thankful for F! because it led me to find some wonderful people I would eventually bring along even to this date. Unfortunately, most decided to walk their own ways and ceased contacts due to personal reasons. However, whatever I remember about them remains intact. It is all thanks to them that I managed to sharpen my character, improved my english, and led me to find what sort of hobby suit me best, to name a few.

It's been pretty fun and unforgettable years from my side.

Unfortunately, you will be stuck with bear for a while, whether you like it or not. :D

Sneakyone wrote...
I joined back in 2010 after seeing a watermark on an old Haruhi doujin, I've met a lot of cool people here and actually lived with a few. I'm not nearly as active as I used to be, but I'm still here alive and kicking. Love for Konata is still alive and strong since 2007. Its hard to believe I've been here this long but its been a lot of fun.

I might not be wrong to claim you are the number one fan of Konata on this site, or anywhere else for that matter.

Nekohime wrote...
Gambler stalked me on a site that shall not be named, so here I am.

You may remember me from my monthly cooking contest called "Top Chef Fakku" over at Food and Cooking, or from the Sex Toys thread, from the Christmas Grinch Thread, or from the My Little Pony fan thread updates as Princess Luna. Alas, I have no time for any of that now. I was funemployed when I started posting here, but now I'm employed in a job that sucks all the time out of my life. I've got to get out of this industry before I die of overwork...

I swear it was a polite request. :D

Definitely the Christmas Grinch persona. Definitely.

Kadushy wrote...

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/yiHdhmQ.png

Love the image.

Ziggy wrote...
Hey Gambler,

You've always been a very kind Fakku member that always went out of your way to reach out to others even if contact is limited.

I'm Ziggy, I've been here since 2008. I met a significant other on here and we lived together for almost 6 years before I ended the relationship.

Still doing my best today, even though I am not always successful in communicating with everyone.

Heard about it from some other member. I hope the fond memories stay while the not-so-fond ones provide valuable lessons for the future.

Fallan wrote...
Shiki: My only fakku ban was I posted a picture of a bunch of naked young boys

Ah forgot.

xxxholic18, NanayaShiki, Fallan. 7 years here.

Fallan, not fallen, I always remind myself.

Yuuki wrote...
こんにちはYou Glorious Magnificent Bastards!

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IIqMc4m.jpg I tried to make contributions to brighten up the community by posting around and making threads like:
Yuuki's Cosplay Cafe (Sadpanda died and this thread along with it.)
Yuuki's Avatar and Sig Cafe
v - I'm the one who made these badges from scratch, I gave away the template so the community will benefit from it.
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/SXAxbbN.gif
^ - It went out of hand though = _ = Like the user above me (LEL SHIKI)

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IIqMc4m.jpg My only hobbies nowadays are:
Kantai Collection(I'm a First Gen Player)
Monster Hunter 4
Cleaning up unplayed PS3 games
Japanese VITA Games (I'm translating the story of Senran Kagura 2 @ gamefaqs)
Love Live Rhythm Game on my Phone.
and of course Watching Anime

Your style of posting is unique! I like it!

I am a big fan of Senran Kagura too, as mentioned earlier. Still contemplating a decision to purchase a Vita for the Senran Kagura titles. I have them on the 3DS though.

Damoz wrote...

Been out of work for almost 4 years now. Just been playing games and staying away from people~

Was engaged for a while, but didn't work out~

I was unemployed for quite a while too. Don't give up, keep your hopes up! Fighto!

JuniorAfro wrote...

Acquired a love for folks in general and a higher level of patience, maturity and understanding....

Overall, id say, i have grown....since the last time I was here. Although Gambler can attest to things differently. Lol.

Miss you G!

I fully agree with your assessment of yourself. Your posts do make me think hard about my own life too. ^_^;;

Iam_100 wrote...
I made it, where's the party at?

Iam here, was active on 2009, until misfortunes happened(hit my head in weird places)and eventually became more prone to memory loss

So yeah, when do we sing "Secret Base ~10 years version"?

Got to treasure our health and well-being. In the mean time, live our lives to the fullest!

How do I sing said song?

opanihuya wrote...

The happiness of Gambler reading your life story.

I cannot deny the accuracy of your statement.

Kaypi wrote...
Hi kickass pervert here lucker since 2010.
A certain cyclops loving guy made me have the love of monster girls I have today.
Losing interest in site but the forums and some people on The fourms make me laugh once in awhile which is enough to make me stay.

Monster girls have always been popular. A particular anime title next season will their popularity.

GreenZero wrote...

Don't post as much on the forums as I did several years ago but I've made many awesome friends on this site and now I talk with them mainly on Skype instead.

Send my regards to the people within your Skype group too!

godotccf wrote...
I would also like to apologize to you Gambler :( I was in Singapore for 3 days and we couldn't meet up.

No worries. There is always next time. After all, we are neighbours. :)

Unos wrote...

Currently working in IT and studying Japanese.
I'll be taking up JLPT N1 for a second time this July.

Good luck to the both of us for the upcoming JLPT. Let us work hard towards our goals!

FreeOtakuGhost36 wrote...

i used to live in tokyo for 6 years as an animation & movie university student.i've attended Comiket from summer 2009 - winter 2013,reitaisai,design festa and tora matsuri. besides that,i also hangs around in Akihabara almost every day because my college is within the akihabara area.
even though most of the time i made people jealous for it but i did know specific things because of it. so that's why i'm able to be the guide for fakkuzzas that wants me to take them around akiba and ariyake during comiket season.

We should meet up to explore Akihabara again someday. I still have fond memories of that particular visit. :)
Yo, joined 2009. I miss the "I'm Elder Now" posts.
asaforever The Lord of Butts!
YO, also late to the party here, but better late then never~

Asa here, been here without namechange since 2008.
Still having the same job that i started with back in 2001, and no plans on changing that till retirmement. Im positively surprised to see so many faces that i havent seen in a while :)
Good to see erryones still up and kickin´

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/ixsgU/f7e6ce8ddb.jpg