æ£ç¾© wrote...
I honestly wouldn't mind if law and order ceased to function altogether, though.
Anarchy would be fun, for a few days at least.
Think Mad Max except not in the desert and forget the weird cars.
Humans need to be ruled since you all fucking too stupid not to rape, kill, steal and burn shit down unless some authority figure saids nope and hold you in a cell via laws and order. Anarchy is good when all people are enlighted enough to not be Our base self.
Also can someone name one plan trump has said that not build a wall and fuck obamacare? I know he said everything he will do will be great but the man can barely sell land in the middle of the highest cost per sq ft. Owning three buildings and put your names on place you contracted to name isn't much of a business. Ripping your workers, hiring poles and getting Chinese steel and finances isn't much of 'getting americans back to work' then it seems. That and nothing with his name is made by americans except Tiffany.