FinalBoss wrote...
Well, this election had to be the biggest upset in American History. I'm sure if Trump wasn't such a potty mouth it probably would've been a landslide victory for him. Unless of course the electoral college votes screwed him over like it did Killary.
No, I feel like maybe he won BECAUSE of his potty mouth.
Or rather, if not for his potty mouth, people would more than likely have sided more with Hillary.
It comes down to advertisement and exposure in my opinion, and any press is good press in the world of media, including bad press exposure.
Well, in Hillary's case she was trying to also have a good reputation, which backfired with all of the fishy stuff going on (possibly) with her e-mails.
The scandal with the attorney general didn't help, either.
Things are incredibly divisive in politics recently, but that's not without merit when it comes to politicians furthering their own goals.
Bad for the people, good for the elite.
Believe whatever you want, the prerequisite to become a politician and take office, is to be a slimy motherfucker.
Every single one of these people is just trying to convince you they're less evil than the others.
Sadly, politics is always the battle of lesser and greater evils.
Arguably, this time people chose the lesser or greater evil, depends on what you believe and who you chose.
Though, to be fair Trump did lose the popular vote by roughly 1 million votes.
That's not to excuse that 1/2 of registered voters (121 million people) didn't even vote this year.
Fuck you guys and your complaints, if you didn't even vote, or even write someone in, you have no right to complain.
If you at least wrote someone in, I could understand, but most people didn't even do that, and pretending you care now is like pretending you're not a whiny entitled little bitch.
. . .
Anyway, back to things related to this, Trump claims to want to make more drastic changes, whereas Hillary wanted to continue the legacy of Barack Obama.
I'm not taking either side of republican or democrat, since I wrote in someone non-affiliated to the four parties that ran this time.
Of course, they wouldn't win, even though I did try convincing others they were clearly less terrible than the four people that ran.
It seems (going by the roughly 59 million voters who voted for him) roughly 1/6 Americans "want" drastic changes that (they believe) Trump will bring.
Whether or not they will happen is yet to be seen.
I feel like in both of the mainstream candidates cases, most people that voted for them were not making fully informed decisions, only taking what they know from media or online articles.
It's better to actually look at what they have said or written themselves, and their stances on the issues, than taking things other people say with anything more than a grain of salt.
I strongly urge people to vote for a better president than the four that ran this time in 2020.