well no idea really =D
possibly because I sometimes like to write things just to be cynical with a bit of satire~
What the fuck
srsly what is this I don't even
Anyway this is a much better read
if you're too lazy to read, go read this instead
Since right after we are born, we are taught to always obey orders and to work hard for our living. We are forced to go into schools and listen to years of brainwashing from teachers who are paid by the governments. After that we go to college where they brainwash us some more to become a part of the money system. We then graduate (become gradually indoctrinated) and become the pwned sheep that we are. Of course, these institutions are all made of industrial-strength fail, since this article wouldn't be here for you to read (and wouldn't make sense to you anyway) if any of that crap actually worked.
They keep us under their control with fear: Fear of hell, fear of hunger, fear of nature, fear of guns, fear of police, and fear of what other people will think of us.
We are constantly bombarded by subliminal messages from everywhere, urging us to consume more, eat more, drink more and fuck more. (Last one isn't that bad)
The Cell phones has been invented so that the government will know exactly where we are, all the time. The cities are flooded with surveillance equipment, and they spray chemicals with specially engineered diseases to keep our number down.
There are Over 9000 ways out, but here are two:
Drop out of the system completely, and go live somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
Become an Hero.
oh well damn it, the truth had never been said so honestly as this one =D