Chlor wrote...
Renovartio wrote...
Chlor wrote...
Renovartio wrote...
I'm for equal rights. Not Feminazis' woman superiority.
So you're a feminist. Good on you.
You're a fucking idiot.
fem·i·nism noun
: the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities."
- Merriam Websters & Oxford Dictionaries
Sounds like equal rights to me.
w/e. You know what I mean. I absolutely acknowledge the fact that there are a whole bunch of radical, misandrist, men-hating persons out there that label themselves as "Feminists". I've been shouted at by my fair share of butch dykes and called, among other things, fascist simply for being male. But you can't seriously believe that these people represent the entire feminist movement? A movement that has been around for over a century now? I can guarantee you that the majority of the feminist movement is not like that.
Saying that is just as absurd as saying that all Jews a greedy or that all Dwarves can juggle. You know that is simply not true, frankly, I'd say that it's completely impossible to create such a homogeneous group.
I personally believe this.
Any feminist that is not a radical is either:
A) Hasn't fully be indoctrinated into their mindset and thus brainwashed into a victimized complex.
B) IS actually for equality and only call themselves that because they believe in the ideology and doesn't know how the feminist movement really is.
C) Is actually hiding the way she truly is under the guise of a sane person.
Seriously. Go back and re-read what I have post
I went back and edited some of my past posts.