N/A wrote...
this is difficult.
but i prefer yamatogawa.
just my personal point of views:
art-wise, they both have their own personal styles that make them special and easy to distinguish from the others, e.g. how u can differentiate Naruto-art style & Bleach-art style... and looks good too~ xD
so its a draw for this one.
story-wise, gunma is more... straight-forward? not much plot there... usually stories are cut short & go straight to sex scenes... story also lacking in comedy or some serious romance u can go d'awwww~ basically, its kinda just pure smex. plus there's also rape scenes with old fat ppl, noo!
yamatogawa has more plot, though the stories are unbelievable but the same goes to gunma, i mean Mai Favourite (gunma) isnt going to happen in real life but the same goes to witchcraft (yamatogawa)... but yamatogawa's stories are more funny~
read Giri Giri Sisters (gunma) and read Taihenyokudemashita (yamatogawa) or TayuTayu (yamatogawa) or whatever~ most likely u'll laugh more in yamatogawa's works~ simply put, yamatogawa is more on romance comedy but it satisfies ur lusts as well~
yamatogawa wins here.
character-wise... to be honest, gunma's characters look kinda alike to me. O.O
thx god for hairstyles, i guess, lol.
and since there's not much plot (story development)... u cant really "get to know" about the characters... plus, there's the old farts!!! >.<
body proportions are all the same too... all the girls have this ideal big boobs, nice butt (gaah, i'm jealous) except lolis, so yeah... it makes it worse - the characters become even less distinguishable. but nevertheless, they look hawt.
as for yamatogawa, the characters have their own distinct personalities, also they are full of expressions... either way, very cute~ hehe...
and the body proportions are nice too~ more realistic than gunma's...
but they both have their own charms.
if u put a gunma character and a yamatogawa character together; i'll say a tie, i cant tell which i like better coz i like both! ugh. the dilemma.
as for sex scenes; gunma is very good... there's just this something that arouses u from the story & art, i dont know why and i cant put it into words, maybe instinct...? hmm~
the same goes to yamatogawa though~ the art is hawt~ the characters are hawt~ obviously the sex is hawt too~ xDD
but yamatogawa have more variations; but that's because yamatogawa write more stories!
but honestly? its a tie.
so there, i think i missed nothing?
but still,
my conclusion: my verdict is I like Yamatogawa better!
Wow, nice analysis there buddy. And I do agree with you. I must admit, I voted Gunma at first, but after thinking it over, I'd have to go with Yamatogawa. Gunma's art screams sensuality. However, his character designs are static. Yamatogawa just has so much flexibility in his art that they would look good even outside of hentai. But I still love both.
I haven't seen anything from both of them for a while. Hope they're cooking up something good.