ImaGrill wrote...
But i guess i would say that i can agree with you. I also have 99% pictures saved of sexy appealing anime girls, maybe even less than 1% of boys even though i like both, acctually i prefered boys in RL so far.
It doesn't seem like there's much of a market for women. Not many women artists? Guys don't know what they want? Business just doesn't target or provide for them?
Either way, there aren't many pics of men in hentai in general, and they so often tend to be fat disgusting slobs/creepy pervs... I guess either how we see ourselves or how the artists like to debilitate the self confidence of their viewers to keep them stuck in porn and never get a real girl lol. I fee sorry for girls that prefer men cause there's not much for you it seems. I almost want to say men are just ugly and women gorgeous, but look at Roman and Greek statues - they knew male beauty existed. Too much homophobia coming from general puritanical anti-sex. Fuck, I want hetero girls to be happy and I want to feel sexy too. =(
I think girls like plot, story, sweet emotions. That's large scale society (I'm guessing this site's women might be a lil diff) and it is because that's what I've been told by review sites and the "women's" porn. I think it's likely bullshit and just a continuation of ohhh women are so sensitive and not as sexual as men. So mostly, I just don't know. =)
If we're going dream girl, it'd be awesome if she was into futanari. It seems to be a mostly male genre though? But realistically, I'd love a girl that liked
any hentai. I own a lot of awesome sexy girl figures, so... I'm not opposed to a man cave, but it'd be nice to have someone to at least sometimes share my interests with.