Waar wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
@waar k man
I do really hope you take what I said seriously, not the lesser intelligence stuff but the "you need to chill" stuff because people are tired of beating on you. It's just like you try too hard sometimes and it comes off as sad in the end. Some people just can't backup the whole argumentative thing well, it's not one of their strengths.
Idk, from where im sitting it looks like you're the one who doesn't like when people just wanna talk here, even if they've likely made up their mind on the topic. I know you know we all know your actual motive waar, it was fun but now it's like there's no point in adressing your insults anymore when you know this guy just wants to make you feel bad. Why not have some real talk you salty motherfucker!
200$ is approx 15200 rubles and thats almost half of my montly paycheck, in these hard times for russia with all the sanctions raping our economy i should add. If reno can raise it pronto in 4 days, well woopdydoo i am glad for you weaaboweab.