Rise-chan wrote...
Well, I actually couldn't play it properly yesterday.... (stupid sister!)
So yeah, I was wondering if you guys have recommendations, it can be of any kind, you could give names of cute pokemons, or maybe some cool ones, and the starter pokemon too, I don't plan on taking the fire type one, and the grass type is somewhat as well, so I'm planning on taking the water type one, any thoughts regarding that? Which one did you guys pick?
I went with Tepig, was pretty much the only reliable pokemon I had for quite some time, but by the end I decided to replace him with a Torchic I got from a friend, the lack of speed was a pain but the high life and attack stats were a real advantage, plus having fighting type moves was advantageous.
I would recommend catching an Axew when you have the chance, they're a bit later on in the game and would probably be the equivalent of the Garchomp line once they fully evolve, decent base HP stat, very high attack stat and pretty good speed stat as well. Aside from those, Sandile is a decent Ground/Dark type, starts off kind of weak but after it evolves it becomes incredibly awesome imo. High Speed and High Attack stats and has a pretty good move pool. Sadly Sandile even fully evolved doesn't have much in the ways of defense, generally mine will oneshot things but if not it'll nearly be KO'd from almost any attack and be left with near nothing afterwards, but with the Moxie ability it gains an attack boost for every pokemon it KO's, so starting off and playing through a whole battle with it is a good strategy, just keeps getting stronger and stronger each time it wins.