mibuchiha wrote...
Happeh Barfday I mean, Birthday Gambler~!
Thank you Mibuchiha! It would be even better if we could meet up. =D
On the bright side, things should take a turn for the better after today? More freedom?
artcellrox wrote...
Oh, and Nikon too. :)
Remind me when it is your birthday. I tend to forget stuff at times, but celebrating birthdays with friends is a must. :)
Zafhner wrote...
Happy birthday, Nikon and Gambler! Have a good one!
I don't know much about Touhou, but if I ever need to learn, I know where and whom to turn to. :)
peto453 wrote...
happy b-day gambler-san and nikon-san.
=D gambler-san have a nice day enjoy ty for being a good friend. ^_^
The same can be said of yourself as a friend. Don't forget to check your PM.
Dr Shaneman wrote...
Are you getting an oatmeal cake?
Actually, I am curious; why oatmeal cake? Shouldn't it be honey cake, if there is such a delicacy in the first place? ^_^;;
Melfice_1 wrote...
Shall I make anothr MOAC for Mr. Cuddly Bear?
Your kind thoughts are appreciated. However, do pardon my ignorance; what exactly is MOAC? ^_^;;
Rise-chan wrote...
Happy birthday Gambler and Nikon!!
Hehe, I think you wished us more than once right? Thank you very much for the birthday greeting.
Room101 wrote...
Ah, so it seems like I made it in time.
Well then, nothing more then to wish One very happy birthday, to the fullfillment of wishes, good health and good fortune.
May the dreams come true and troubles recede back.
From yours truly,
Party time nao!
As you have mentioned, I do hopes some of my dreams and wishes come true.
Nekohime wrote...
Wait wait, it's their birthday? Happy birthday to Nikon and Gambler!
You mean I never told you!? :D Nonetheless, thank you for your birthday greeting.
Neoro~n wrote...
「Happy birthday Gambini and Nikon!ã€
The Japanese brackets are soon going to become your trademark feature, if it isn't already the case. :)
Zeriam wrote...
[b]Happy Birthday!!!
To Gambler
[b]And Nikon
Where have you been? It has been quite a while since I last saw you and I hope you are doing well with your collection of mousepads? We got to speak with one another more often.
asaforever wrote...
Happy Birthday to both of you :)
I believe I can always count on you for festivities and celebrations. :)
Jinrou Koko wrote...
Happy birthday~ Gambler and Nikon~o:
I hope you are enjoying your new username?
Yama-kun wrote...
Happy birthday Nikon and Gambler you big fuzzy bear.
Fuzzy bear owes you a few more bear hugs!
jmason wrote...
Happy birthday!! ^_^ (both of ya) I hope you two have a nice day ahead of you. And sleep tonight with the most contented of feelings.
I did not get to eat as much delicacies as yourself, but the celebrations did not go too badly.
girutiya wrote...
Wishing a Happy BDay to both sir GAMBEAR and sir NIKON.
Likewise, thank you, Sir Girutiya. ;)
Sanada-Kun wrote...
Happy Birthday Nikon and Gambler~~
Wish you all the best... And hope that you'll have a great party at weekends~~
Thank you. There might be a few more gatherings with friends. But hopefully, there wouldn't be much smoke. ;)
high_time wrote...
To Nikon and Gambler, I wish you guys a Happy Birthday!
Thank you to you as well. High time to have more fun, no pun intended. =D
That being said, I did have a pleasant time on Saturday. Went singing at a karaoke with friends, even though it was not as sophisticated as those machines seen in Japan, whereby points and scores will be given after singing a particular song. I ate vegetarian japanese food for dinner and it was surprisingly good. Dishes tasted like the real deal and the price was reasonable for the portion of food given.
In addition, I received a few presents from my family and friends, and there may be more to come, depending on whether they remember. Fortunately or unfortunately, I am a thick-skinned bear demanding for my presents. ^_^;;
As seen in the above images, I received a new working bag, a cake and some subsidy for a Nintendo 3DS. I am currently in the midst of learning how to operate the 3DS since it has been a while since I last owned a console. Hopefully, there will be opportunities to play online games with some of my fellow Fakku members in the near future. At the moment, I only own Nintendogs + Cats. As usual, I am a sucker for cute games. ^_^;;
Lastly, Selamat Hari Raya to my fellow Fakku members who are celebrating the occasion!