Still feeling down at the moment. I hope I am not whining too much nor imposing on everyone unreasonably with regards to my recent setback.
anud wrote...
Hey all...
Well I am a sucker in love because I am the one who gets his hearth thorn up. Every time I try it feels that I lack something...
And I think I'm becoming a stalker because I have a slight paranoia.
I believe everyone has a certain tendency to stalk others, including myself. Thankfully, not having a facebook account prevents the stalker personality from manifesting further.
Nekohime wrote...
But I'm sorry to hear that, Gambler. I know from experience that the only cure for that is time and being with friends who support you. I don't have time, but I'm here for kitteh hugs whenever you need them!
Image saved. Thank you for your offer of kitten hugs. It will definitely come in handy in future.
Rise-chan wrote...
I cannot contribute to the topic as its about rejection... but;
Its sad to hear about the rejection, I hope you're able to move on soon and find another girl who you'd like.
Boa~ wrote...
I am sorry for you Gambler.
It´s ok to feel sad/disappointed about that, but trust me don´t hang yourself over that. You made your try, that´s better then being quiet and hoping for the good.
Just look forward, I know it´s easier said than done.
I know that on my own, I got rejected often and it made me sad, but I thought "Why should I waste my time in being sad for someone who doesn´t wants me." This thought made me look forward and after some time I found my very first girlfriend.
Don´t destroy yourself with those feelings. Forget what happen and look forward. Next time you will do it better.
@Rise-chan and Boa~: Thank you for your kind words and support too.
artcellrox wrote...
I'll admit. I have never really faced any sort of rejection, but it's probably because I've never tried. Granted, when I think back to my 10th grade crush, letting her know how I felt about her would have at least taken a huge load off my mind, regardless of how painful the rejection would have felt. Now, even though I'm over her, I can't help but think "what if?" sometimes. That's life I guess.
And sorry to hear about your rejection, Gambler. Remember, we're all here if you need us. Now, come here and gimme a hug. :)
If given an opportunity, will you tell your crush about your feelings, should you ever meet her again? After I recover from this setback, you will be receiving more hugs than you can handle... I think.
SamRavster wrote...
Well...sorry to hear about the rejection Gambler but, as has already been said, the reason of "no electricity" is very wholly. I mean, what the hell does that even mean? I'm sure you'll be back to your chipper and bear-huggy self in no time!
But, OT, I've never been rejected but I have rejected someone unfortunately. Simply put, I just didn't reciprocate their feelings, so going out with them would have resulted in more pain for them in the end. It wasn't a pleasant experience, but it was something that I had to do.
So I suppose the party who rejects others will also feel bad to a certain extent? I have only been on the receiving end (of rejections) so far...
FreeOtakuGhost36 wrote...
*sigh*.but sometimes after a long time not having a relationship,i do want a GF jealous to those happy couples.*sigh*
I know exactly how you feel. The feeling of jealousy and envy when you see other couples happily together. We do not wish for anything bad to happen to them; we only wish we could be in their shoes... even more so during Christmas and Valentine's Day, right?
GreenZero wrote...
Sorry to hear that you got rejected Gambler, and "grown men shouldn't cry" is bullshit. It's good to cry when you feel like it, get it out.
OT: I have myself never been rejected, because I've only really confessed to someone once and that time it went well, for about a month, then she broke up. The reason I've haven't confessed more times is because I've never really met anyone I've felt like confessing to.
We have spoken more than a few times over PMs and MSN and I believe we understand each other quite well. Thank you for being a friend in my time of need.
SmittenKitten wrote...
Hello there Gambler,
I havent talked with you yet but I see nothing but respect for you in the threads so I just wanted to say hi and add to this topic if I may. :)
Firstly, I am sorry for your rejection.
I have not personally experienced rejection in love because I was the one rejecting although it has hurt me too.
I do have experience being rejected in other parts of life though such as friendship and career/work. While the latter might not stick out as something obviously relevant... it sure feels like it to me. So I can understand the deep hurt and feelings you might be going through I believe.
The best methods/ideas that I can offer in the love department, based on other experiences and from friends, are to either:
Pursue your love anyway. Love just needs persistence sometimes. I rejected my first boyfriend.....
many times to the point where I just said, "Alright, what the hell." It was only.... several months long but he was a great guy... just wasn't a great time in my life to have him around. I like to do the tough things by myself. :) However, seeing as she said "no electricity," I wouldn't go with this unless you are feeling strong enough to handle a lot more rejection before the
possibility of a yes. It is not for the feint-hearted.
To pursue a new love quickly. I personally don't think dwelling on anything painful is very good for you. Go through it, take it in, and try to let it quickly so you can push through it faster. And if there are days it hurts so much you cant seem to move... those are the days you lock yourself up to cry about it and release the tension. But I wouldn't dwell, there are a lot of people in the world. A new love could be just around the corner! One girl/boy/woman/man should never be allowed to crush your spirit like that. Have some confidence and fall in love again, learning from it each time. Maybe you could ask her (when you're ready) what exactly gives off this mysterious "no electricity" thing so you can change it. Because as a woman, it just sounds like an easy excuse to me, but I dont know her either. :) Who am I to judge?
Everyone is welcome to post in my topics. All opinions are welcomed on all matters, not just my current situation.
Like what I asked SamRavster, the party who rejects others may feel bad too?
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Copy and pasting from my thread in the Love, Romance and Relationship section, it is tough going through motion for the past couple of days and these negative emotions persist. I followed the advice of a friend, to refrain from contacting her over the next few days, although there are times in which I really felt like texting her.
[font=Arial Black][color=blue]After some thinking (or is it impulsiveness?), am I foolish if I intend to try harder to win her heart? Some people say I should just forget her but unfortunately, I am quite a persistent person. If so, how should I go about doing so? During our short text messages immediately after the rejection, she claims that we are still friends and I wish to ask her out during her birthday, which is coming up shortly.
When it comes to romance, hard work and effort may not necessarily lead to positive results, do they?
That being said, the following is an image of a watch she gave to me when we went out during the "Day of Rejection", as a belated birthday present.
I am happy to receive a present from her, but at the same time, it makes me sad. Ironic, isn't it?