I was the most badass adventuring asian youngster ever lol
found myself on my roof by myself at the age of 4 XD
also found myself up a tree at that age lol
I think I'm an avid reader, depending on the book and if I'm in the mood to read, I could finish a book in about a week to a month. The only problem I face when reading is that I tend to get into the book and ignore everyone, everything, and the tasks given to me. I even lost track of time while reading.
~I write prose. I am horrible at poetry and I fully admit that, my sister got the gift for poetry, while I got the gift for prose.
~I have written stories that I am very proud of, that make me cry, laugh, horny, etc. But I'm too defensive to ever let anyone else read them. You can't judge me. I'm obviously perfect. [size=10]This will obviously be an issue when I attempt to become a published writer.[/h]
~I can sit in æ£åº§ (seiza) or formal Japanese sitting position comfortably for a fairly long time.
I recently suffered a major car crash in which I broke my arm, crushed my lung, battered my head something fierce (big case of scalp hematoma) a buncha other shit, and broke my freaking neck in two places.
I got hit by automobiles on four occasions, none going at what would be called slowly.
I fell off a three-story building and sprained my back.
I got caught in a freaking tornado while tree-planting.
I got kicked in the face by a horse. Went for reconstructive surgery which involved sawing my skull in half.
Save for the getting hit by cars, the events described above have all happened within the last two years.
I can change my accent. From British, Scottish, Russian...etc.
I own 3 Guns. A S&W 29 (W/Nickel finish and houge grips), A Colt Commander 1911 (Fitted with a suppressor, cheap russian made optics) And My Springfield Armory M1A (Still waiting for the sipment though, the delivery was stalled in the fucking pre-elections gun ban) which is fitted with a harris bipod, A Cheap, russian scope and RIS to fit any attachments that I wish to install.
I am a former Bounty Hunter, (worked for 6 months) until a "small" incident made me quit the job.
the more I grow up, the looser my grip of reality becomes. I dunno if it's something to brag about, but when I see people around me and their beloved and oh-so-important common sense, I do feel slightly proud.