mibuchiha wrote...
devsonfire wrote...
mibuchiha wrote...
Every 12 hours sounds more like a beta basement lurker's activity rate rather than any normal user's.
Not everyone knows his girlfriend are being NTR'd after the third day it happened, same as not everyone checks Fakku every 6 hour. 12 hours sounds fairly reasonable to me.
I was saying that 12 hours is far too short.
If you claim a waifu on GMT (1700 MST) and supposedly someone NTR-claimed your waifu 2 hours after (1900 MST), you have at least until 0700 MST to claim her back.
If you claim a waifu before going to work (let's say 0900) and someone immediately NTR-claimed your waifu, you have until 2100 to claim her back.
I previously thought of making it 6 hours, but I considered those who goes to work / school for at least 10 hours (0700 to 1700).