Data Zero wrote...
Lance177 wrote...
Peltor wrote...
CHT wrote...
I'll just put it in the storage tuck I have then.
Ooo RF Online MAU. Good times. ^^
Keirova_47 wrote...
I find it hard to believe that there would be an aviator that'd be able to fly every single aircraft in the world. I understand we like to be extraordinary but please keep a limit to extraordinary and bullshit. If anything, I'd accept if you have knowledge on every aircraft in the world in addition to experience with a considerable number of aircraft.
Agree. Every single model have different, unique set of hardware, manipulators, switches and clocks. No one can possibly have that experience.
I know guys who have expertise on 2 or 3 but unofficially they can pilot around 5 planes.
Data Zero wrote...
Peltor wrote...
Get Chinooks and skycrane for easier supply transport.
Time to restock spare parts.
Good point. BUT. I dont know if I serve here or not.
O and BTW.
Should i get this?
And where the heck would you get a runway for Spooky? O.O Do you realize that's modification of C-130 Hercules and that's mid size transport plane?!
Data Zero wrote...
Fine. Thanks for asking. Im thinking about switching this
F-4 Phantom II
for this
A10 Warthog.
And im thinking about getting a helicopter. Either UH-1 Iroquois (betterly known as Huey):
CH-47 Chinook:
Or Sikorsky S-64A Skycrane
Phantom and Warthog? Again: runway? o.O
Also I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with Huey in arctic conditions. Why don't we get Mi-17 or even better Mi-24?
Russian technology is developed with better functionality in cold weather not to mention arctic.
Chinook... I like Ch-46 Sea Knight better but not much of a problem here (if we get Mi-17 or Mi-24 he would serve for both supplying and as attackers)
Good points. BUT as i said before. Do i serve here? ( i still havent figured that out) If yes then yes, Mi-17 might be a better idea. And Mi-24, then i have to ask whose day are you gonna ruin.
Yes, you might be right about flying unofficially 5 planes. But the base is the same. No matter what plane, there is still a control yoke, throttle controls and rudder pedals. Or in helicopter, cyclic, collective lever, anti-torque pedals and throttle control. Some buttons there and here might be mixed up, but the feel of the aircraft depends more. The pilot knows how the aircraft will handle after flying with it. Books about it tell us what to expect.
Like I said before, I don't like the idea of knowing how to pilot EVERY single aircraft in the world because honestly, thats a load of crap.
I'll consider if you limited it down to something like has knowledge on every aircraft in the world with addition to experience with a considerable number of aircraft.
This isn't an RP thread but still, I don't want any 'Gary Stu' as part of my staff