Anyway, this movie which can be found on youtube, has taken the Muslim community by storm as it seems and not in a good way. There have been countless incidents of protests in Muslim countries and even cases of death like the 4 people killed in Sanaa, Yemen or the 3 killed in Khartoum, Sudan. Muslim protests are targeting mainly US, UK and German embassies and, after the deaths at Sudan, US has deployed Marines as well as the Sudanese authorities deploying riot police to protect the targeted buildings. Protesters come bearing with them banners and signs with statements like "America is the devil" and "Today is your last day, Ambassador".
The protests seems to be going further than just embassies with one incident in Egypt when an ultra conservatist group of protesters stormed a multinational UN Peacekeepers camp, took down the flag and raised up a black banner with the words "There's no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah." But the Western countries aren't the only ones taking blame, in Gaza, thousands of protesters took to the streets, burning American flags and chanting "Death, death to America, death, death to Israel".
You can read more about this on pretty much any news site, its pretty big.
Personally, I am against the hate video which blatantly attacks the Islamic faith(although not being very knowledged with the religion, the movie did not make much sense to me). But at the same time, that does not give the Muslim people the right to respond how they did, these were the workings of a group of regular people who have no connection with the government whatsoever, an entire nation should not be put to blame for the actions of a group of its citizens, much less they shouldn't also be giving crap to the countries who have nothing to do with it at all, namely Germany and UK.
Wow this goes to my list of top bullshits I've ever seen. O.O
I know a bit or two about Quran but this is totally missinterpreted not to mention that sopme parts are just bullshit on it's own.
Also the statement of Man+x is a terro I must disagree what they're implying. Durring Cold War there were also terrorist groupes supported by Soviets... It's hard to believe that they all would just seize to exist after end of the Cold War. They were called "progressive elements" in oficial channels.
Indeed. I'll also point out something about the video. During the early stages of this controversy, one of the actresses was interviewed. She and the 79 other cast and crew members all claim that they were misled by the producer, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula who during the period of filming used the pseudonym of Sam Bacile. They were casted during a generic casting call earlier this year for the film under the guise of a movie called "Desert Warriors" which had nothing to do with Islam. However, after filming, the producer and his supporting Christian fundamentalist groups edited the movie, dubbing over several scenes(which you can easily tell by the horrible lip syncing) and so forth until you got "Innocence of Muslims"
The actress went on to continue how angered and hurt she was by the lies of the producer.
I'll go on to say that this movie is really, really horrible. And thats not only in the sense of its purpose but in all aspects of cinematography. The script was terrible, filming was terrible and the editing was terrible. Evident that this was a low budget film despite the producer boasting that it was funded 5 million by Jewish supporters.
^WHAT? O.O Erm... We managed to do better just by doing our 20 min. movie with minimal pay (I think we were under 20 USD in total) and the borowed camera from a friend who studies filmography at uni...
[align=justify][font=verdana][color=green]Hmm, this whole thing... now, I don't know too much about it, as I don't like to pay them as much attention as they think they deserve, but anyone who kills to prove a message has no message.
I heard chants about them wanting to "arrest Obama and having him hanged" - okay, point, but what you don't do is kill the messenger i.e. the ambassador.
They're just killing because they're angry and wanted to prove their anger. Big whoop. No-one takes them seriously.
^... I think we should take them seriusly. Muslims are not some minority but it's whole religion (and damn big one) where there are people that intentionally missinterpret it for their personal gain.
[align=justify][font=verdana][color=green]I disagree. If we were to take them seriously, it'll just encourage more shit like this. If people were to suddenly want to adapt foreign policy and security for their sakes, then they've won.
Taking religion seriously is fine. I tolerate religion, I daresay, more than most. However, when they do things like that, then they've just pushed themselves away from the negotiating table in my opinion.
They're angry... Because this all "war against terrorism" is putting muslims in bad light as it is due radicals. Now they see some nutboy to do a movie like this that's insulting to the core.
[align=justify][font=verdana][color=green]Okay, I'm going to say it, but they shouldn't be as easily offended over a film than they were. I know it's very hard to say that, not being religious or atheist (and yes, atheism is a following), but it still stands.
If I'm angry with someone, do I attack them? Do I kill someone who was just doing his job? No. I fight with my words, not with guns. Being angry and being in a "bad light" doesn't excuse or give reason to their actions.
Firstly they have different mentality and secondly do you think that they want to rely on words after all those years? It could be called noble to try and solve everything at the table by dialogue, but that's not human nature. Human nature is rather violent by deafult.
If this was not true then how so we still have wars (greed omnited)
[align=justify][font=verdana][color=green]Killing innocents is not a way to spread a message. I'm sorry, but no mentality or amount of time can EVER justify it. It's barbaric, and will only do more harm than good to their cause. They've just ruined it for everyone else.
Did they make the video? No. Did they support the video? No. Did they deserve to die? No.
[align=justify][font=verdana][color=green]Don't get me wrong, I like to play Devil's Advocate myself. But, that's more in situations like... abortion, euthanasia etc. In a matter just as this... it doesn't have much part due to the nature of it.