Awesome new advertisement by Glock, the guy in it is apparently a USPSA(United States Professional Shooters Association) shooter. All the cinematic techniques they use make this ad pretty cool.
Singapore Technology Kinetics is one of my favourite lesser known weapons manufacturers. Their SAR-21 is pretty nice but what I like from them the most is their STK Ultimax 100, a light-weight automatic rifle with low recoil, perfect for the smaller frames of Asians like myself. They've changed the gun a lot from the original model, the most recent model, the Mk 8, could almost be mistaken for an FN SCAR L(if that person was an idiot that is). I know Kei had some experience using an SAR-21 when he was in Singapore and he said it was better than the F88 in his opinion but he's been itching for a long time to use an Ultimax.
That good enough news?