Posting this here for Kei an everyone else here, though Kei already saw it...
Our constitution, bill of rights, amendments, and other charters are a sort of religion that we all must follow, and like other religions, there are those that will peck at it to change its tenets in effort to meet their own ideologies, since they, after all, know what's best for everyone else.....Fact is, the founding fathers were very well educated and experienced in their ambitions to create their new "bible" which would form the blueprint to civilized society that would be able to thwart the oppressions which they had experienced, as well as provide an equal balance which they, as historians and scholars, knew were forever embattled by tyranny, whether at the highest levels of government, or at the lowest most local enforcement levels. This group of rebels were an assembly like no other and one that cannot be duplicated in today’s climate. The foundations they laid were purposeful, they wished the general populous, the individual citizen, to be able to protect themselves in their own homes and communities, from not only dangerous animals and thugs, but from the corrupt and oppressive government. The foundation for a government intended to be "for the people" must demand a checks-and-balances system that places power in the hands of the people. Power for protection and for resistance. Our founding fathers would be rolling over in their tombs if they knew of the gun control efforts being made by those that would "rewrite" their "bible". By those that know better and those that know what best fits our modern society, so that they themselves can feel safe. I'm not a religions man, but I know the bible, and I understand that it contains many truths and teaches us history, that unless learned can lead down a dark path. Gun control advocates, with their rhetoric to fight crime and provide communal safety, are simply providing a smoke screen to their true agenda which is to build a new oppressive and controlling tyrannical form of government.