Data Zero wrote...
Lance177 wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
Heh, reminded me of a fishing knife a friend of mine has. Does the job, I guess.
Not really.
Dull blade. Sharpened it but decided its cheaper to buy a new one.
Data I really dig that G3 *.*
Also I did not realized you guys also went Digi camo. :)
Its swedish made so they call it AK-4.
But that thing is big.
I managed to hold on Galil AR and i liked what i held.
Still though.
Estonian army might get M4s, but thats Soldier FM on kuperjanov.
Yup. we go digital.
And it looks sexy.
Sure G3/AK-4 is a battle rifle after all... I want one too. ^^'
Galil is a fair weapon that combines some interesting features as it goes... M4s eh? Well one thing I know about AR platform is while it ain't the shit you usually hear about it sure is picky on being clean and sure wight a lot less than G3.
Don't have to tell me I sport MARPAT quite often :D