Personally, I think if our countries(Western powers) wanted to, they could find out just exactly how they get their funding. They're certainly good at doing it with their own people and it really wouldn't be that much harder to figure out with the combined efforts of all our money leeches.
Anyway, to change the topic up a bit. There was that news lately about that one guy in Delhi who got himself mauled by a tiger in the local zoo. From what I gather, the man foolhardily jumped into the pen and after a few moments of cowering in its presence, proceeded to provoke it. The onlookers did this also and last I saw, the man got dragged off into the further end by the neck like a ragdoll.
Any thoughts about this? I've seen that most news outlets are playing against the tiger, as if it were that this innocent man was ruthlessly mauled by this tiger for no reason.
I only say following.
Dumbass decided to poke the tiger. Do not poke at the tiger, who weighs more than you and has sharper claws than you.