Zandorf wrote...
Well, Momiji is essentially the Chinese version of the Tengu, where the Chinese thought the tengu were more wolf like than crow like. However, Aya and Momiji have a personal feud and often fight each other when they cross paths. Aya states that the feud is because Momiji looks down upon the crow Tengu. I thinks it's best to state it as a rivalry between the wolf Tengu and the crow Tengu.
Both your answers weren't exactly spot-on, though that's not really my original intention.
Congratulations, you have drawn a line which separates you, as an individual, and most people who said they love Momiji. I apologize for ever doubting you in that regard.
Harune wrote...
It's not know whether she was present or not at the temple exhibition. At any rate she doesn't seem to have interest in relics and the likes
Ho ho ho [size=10]*Seiga's laugh*[/h]
Well-put answer. I was kinda afraid that the Myouren Exhibition would be too vague to pinpoint.
Harune wrote...
Btw, have others WaHH been translated? I've stopped at Ch.16
The latest is chapter 17 if I recall correctly. Just like anything after ch.12, it's done by Clarste; no Gaku Touhou version yet.
Harune wrote...
==Suwacko== Doesn't this sound very touhouish? It fit perfectly as a stage theme. Also needs more Touhou x Ookami.
Yes! We have a goddess guarding the perimeter now.
It sounds a little too 'epic' for Touhou in my opinion, not that it's a bad thing.