Renko and Maribel are different. Different from Gensokyo residents that we see more often than not - and I am fine with that.
In this article, I am not going to write in-detail about who they are or whatever makes Maribel and Yukari related. Instead, I offer you all beautiful people who spare the time required to read this piece thoroughly, a chance to understand just how Renko and Maribel, strangers to Gensokyo, fit the whole circle of what makes Touhou, Touhou.
What Do They Represent? Us.
Renko majors in physic and she adopts a rational thinking with objective approach to matters. Maribel majors in psychology and she believes in subjectivity more than objectivity. Whatever we are, we know that we can relate to at least one of them.
Both have interest in supernatural things, albeit for presumably different reasons considering their contrast approach on things. They have club that specializes in seeking sources that emit supernatural aura and out-of-this-world phenomenons. Of course, interests don't always need to be complemented by society and age. In their modern world, with how they talked about tour to the moon like it was a trip to your neighbor's backyard, it is still possible to believe in something so absurd.
Sometimes, we suggest ourselves that ghosts don't exist - reality is here and it not going to be anywhere else. Supernatural phenomenons are hoaxes. People seek popularity with their questionable sighting of creatures like Loch Ness Monster, Yeti, Bigfoot, or so on. Common senses kick in, and we are their customers, ready to order some drinks.
However, I am not sure about you, but I personally find such things interesting. There are things we cannot understand by just looking and knowing. There are things we don't know yet about the world we live in. Mysteries are bound to remain mysterious until the time they are caught. With that being said, Renko and Maribel are ready to deliver. For what purpose exactly? Perhaps for personal satisfaction? Who gives a penny.
Just like how we usually operate, they do it because they can and want to.
-- Chapter 1 ends.
Blargh, I think I have made my point clear. Please don't hesitate to give me money in case you have something to say in regard to the article.