catfish wrote...
Takin my avatar, eh? Can't blame you. Who doesn't like Yuuka?
No one could resist youkai-moe's charm. Hey catdish, wanna join this club?
TwilightEngel wrote...
I'm looking forward to both of these. :)
Also, I was just thinking this yesterday, but has anyone else realized the parallel between Gensokyo's isolation and Japan's previous isolation? Maybe Gensokyo is supposed to symbolize what it could have been like, (in an exaggerated sense, of course), if Japan remained isolated, and did not introduce any western ways of life. Just some food for thought.
Well yes, it symbolized ancient Japan. But Gensokyo has also considerably steps into modernization though, thanks to its multi-cultural denizens. We had things like Robot maid(if PC-98 is still relevant), Hisoutensoku, nuclear energy, Aya's camera, Cellphone.
TwilightEngel wrote...
Also, I was wondering if anyone is interested in participating in a Touhou RPG group? Yama posted up the rule book somewhere else on the forum, and my bf and I are interested in playing, (he would be the GM). We have someone else that's looking to play, so we would ideally need 2 more players. If anyone is interested, feel free to PM me!
Touhou Danmaku Yuugi?
Well, actually I haven't read the book :p
Maybe we could put it on front page to raise the club's interest on this game?
Yama-kun wrote...
Would someone like her be so deadly?
Actually yes, since she's an ex-soldier of Lunar Defense Corps.