Old - Jenkins wrote...
Actually, I don't have any. I was just thinking of an event that's related to TD, but I have no clue on how to make it unique nor its mascot. Any idea?
Why is the mascot relevant when we no idea what it will be for?
I dont have much for idea's as well. For uniqueness TD stands out because of trance and Sanae being playable. An event relating to that maybe?
Have yet to try Hayate ones? In my opinion, Okuu is way more devastating than Flan; Reimu is probably the most balanced among all casts; and Alice adapted tricky movements and trap type of attacks. While I do consider Kurenai characters great, but I still prefer those in Hayate because of "variations".
Haven't tried any of them yet. Okuu is indeed terrifying, you can't get near her at all sometimes. Those dolls. Run from them. Speaking of trap type attacks, Sakuya's time stopping isnt fun to be on the receiving end of. There appear to be much larger differences between Hayate characters. Fighting Youmu was totally different from Reimu and Sakuya whereas Kogasa and Ukuu I could fight in similar styles.
live in the cave just like me.
That's a pretty modern cave you have. Did it include electricity, a "recent" computer and internet access?