Old - Jenkins wrote...
Michael Bay's explosion-tier or awesomely awesome graphic like FF to consider one game better than the others
Have you seen the 3D in some newer titles? I saw it in a game store for Uncharted, its not impressive at all. It looks like those pop-up books on a screen. Not worth the money.
Yes, Indie/Doujin games tend to be less-beautiful than the mainstream ones, but on the brighter part, they are also lighter/less-demanding and more reachable for gamers due to the noticeably lower price.
Certainly by "demanding" you mean barriers to entry and not attention span.
The price surprised me with how low it is. Any console or mainstream PC game initially comes out for at least twice that price. I have console games that were like that which are are terrible. When the 14th game comes out I would consider buying it for that price.
I would like to see your hermit in form of a drawing too.
Does it count as drawing if I modify to my tastes and put together existing images? Not that I'm making a picture right now, but if I did it would be done that way.
Have you tried the newest Touhou Sky Arena?
Have not. The only fan-game I have is Koubuto and I'm getting graphical artifacts that make it unplayable. Its probably a GPU driver issue, but game settings in japanese only do not make it easier to figure out.
If you are still working on UFO, just get past the fists and the rest is do able. Finally cleared easy mode today. Stage 5 was harder than Byakuren. The red UFO's drop life pieces so spam them.