Rin_Penelope wrote...
(。ಠ†¿†¿à² 。) [Citation needed]
[Mandatory gay remark]
Shut up, metropolitan boy. I am only a 'one-man army' here!
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Anyways, people who think one game is better than another just because its in 1080p 3D aren't really interested in the game but pretty pictures.
You got that right.
I also love the graphics in Touhou due to me favoring simple to-the-point interface. That being said, not even any kind of "Graphic in Touhou is terrible" suggestion ever passed my mind; I don't need Michael Bay's explosion-tier or awesomely awesome graphic like FF to consider one game better than the others. As long as the game (as a whole) can entertain me, then I won't complain any.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
The low requirements are part of why the game is so popular. Could you imagine how many fewer players there would be if everyone needed a computer that can run Skyrim or an expensive console?
Yes, Indie/Doujin games tend to be less-beautiful than the mainstream ones, but on the brighter part, they are also lighter/less-demanding and more
reachable for gamers due to the noticeably lower price. That is part of Touhou's identity which doesn't stick well with console's basis in my opinion.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Everyone made really good characters. Nice drawing Jenkins.
Thank you, BB.
I would like to see your hermit in form of a drawing too.