JenJen wrote...
Awesome quote there. It's wrong, yet so right. As expected from the natural-born detective, Yuyucow.
But then again, Satori doesn't have spellcards, does she ? If I recall correctly, her deck is consisted by only Recollection cards, which only react to her opponent's memories.
Reimu as one of the living deads! Ohh, you're so gonna get exterminated for that.
Imupossibru! Both of you made it look like me and her are like south pole and north pole. What makes me and Youmu so incompatible ? Explain in 2 lines of non-repetitive words.
She has one before the recollection cards begin. Its not a particularly hard attack either.
Reimu will have a river to cross before worrying about me.
0.) It almost as strange as you impersonating Flan
1 - 3.) What Zanchan said