Old - Jenkins wrote...
brok3n butterfly wrote...
I've tried telling it like it is and that just scares people away.
Telling someone that they are going to lose something like 20 to 30 times before 1CC-ing easy mode (and around 50 for normal mode) doesnt want to make someone pick up the series. Someone who already plays other bullet hell shooters will likely already know or simply ask what game it is.
Rest must be spoiled
Compared to the other games I have Touhou is entirely different at a basic level. Regardless of mode, I can play all the games with the same mindset:
1. Get to full power
2. Dont get hit
That second part involves a number of steps but that is all there is to the games. On the other hand my non-sports console games (Ratchet and Clank series, Resident Evil 4, Ace Combat series, God of War series) have a totally different play style. As a result, I use a completely different mindset.
1. If it moves kill it by any means necessary
That mindset changes between easy and hard mode with those games though. Usually increasing difficulty in those makes your enemies stronger and your character weaker. Thats enough to change my mindset to:
1. Dont get hit
2. Dont miss
The problem in that lies in the fact that enemy attacks dont change so the game becomes a matter of "well can you do it if we strip you of power?" Generally you can and the game becomes more tedious to play.
In comparison, easy to lunatic in Touhou involves getting new spellcards and redesigning existing ones so that pattern you like doesnt work anymore.
So, when someone who is used to the console games I described asks "is Touhou hard?" its difficult to say "if you are used to similar games its easy". The difference between curtain fire shooters and other games is like switching temperature scales then asking "if its 35 outside is it hot?". 35 celsius is a hot summer day whereas 35 fahrenheit is just above freezing. Saying "if you are used to similar games" is then responding with "yes 35 is hot if you use celsius".
It's nearly impossible to persuade the unwilling. Bullet hell itself isn't really a popular genre for the majority of players outside Japan, not since most people resort to 3D-candy-graphic that makes them
use harden like a Metapod by instinct. If they don't want to try after you explain it to them, or perhaps not even interested, then it's safe to assume that Touhou/or probably bullet hell in general isn't up for their quota of gaming ticket.
People who really want to learn, people who really want to know, people who really want to play, people who really want to enjoy, and people who really are interested, will not just stand waiting to be feed.
Considering how different is your gaming flight before you played Toho, have you ever tried to ask yourself: "
What makes me keep playing this game?". If you were
only interested, you wouldn't be playing the games, or even joining the events here. Find and keep the answer to yourself. Look at your teammates' expression when you explain the game to them, see whether they have the same
face as you had back when you found and started to learn Touhou little by little. Assuming their gaming flight is similar, if not the same as yours.
The games are really popular inside Japan? I thought it would be mainstream but not contender for most popular series. "...use harden..." you are a huge pervert.
[size=1]Again your words fit your avatar. So you do learn something useful from those books, Jatchy. I fear you channeled some creepy old pervert though[/h]
JenJen wrote...
If there is anything I'd like to burn, it would be your nest.
You cannot blame Yuyuko's breasts for being outrageously delicious. I am just a mere honest pervert.
I wonder if I can control scarlet fire....
Fixed. Flat chests are the righteous path.
Zanchan wrote...
This could have potential, but I'm going to ignore it.
FBI potential?