Rin_Penelope wrote...
Touhou 13.5 - Hopeless Masquerade (Trial)
The control system seems to have been simplified. There are still button combos but with 6 main attacks the combos are necessary for me thus far. It feels like Ichirin isnt very strong (or I cant use her right). Marisa and Reimu are great. The artwork is great. Marisa seems more suited to ranged attacks since you spam her lasers into next week. Reimu appears better at melee. Reimu vs Marisa is the best pair to play atm.
No comments on the (what I'm guessing is) deck/spellcard system does quite yet. The wiki explains how to declare and use them but I haven't used it yet. FYI: I'm using my wireless keyboard making more than 3 button combos more difficult to pull off.
Alright, the spellcards are simple. Its a 3 button combo to cast and use. The "decks" allow us to vary available attacks and spells. The different colored kanji refer to your choice of attacks/spells.
The "yes"/"no" meter I'm guessing measured crowd support. If you max out approval ("yes") you start to glow yellow. Indicative of something of note.
I noticed using Reimu, that she can use a shield that blocks projectile attacks. You have to time it right but it blocks Marisa's lasers entirely. I dont remember which attack set I was using at the time.
Jenkins wrote...
Shinto: Hakurei Reimu and Kirisame Marisa for now (probably)
I doubt Marisa is affiliated with any faction. If she is its because she on Reimu's side more than a connection with Shinto.