brok3n butterfly wrote...
That would be against the rules of the waifu game. Those sacred rules can never ever be violated.
It's been violated several times,
fishie batso. (nice avatar)
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Prismrivers can die like Seiga and several other stage 4 bosses. Come to think of it, Aya and certain kinds of Satorin ware comparatively easy for stage 4 bosses. Ichirin's last spell took a bomb and one of her non-spells required legit effort. Other than those it was a slightly denser rehash of easy mode.
No, don't bring Seiga here, you die. Yes, they are actually quite good, but certainly not on-par with the others in the same level. Satori is another story, but Aya's lack of threat is justified by the plot and MoF's overall difficulty. Say, BiBi, it seems you're better than me now; Ichirin dealt a quite serious damage to my confidence back then, losing 2 lives became a regular thing to suffer.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
In UFO how do you feel about Marisa+Shortwave? Its a bit strange because she can attack everywhere which is useful at times in later stages but because the area is so big she isn't that strong unfocused with single enemies.
From what I can remember, all of Marisa's superiorities have been slighlty nerfed in UFO. That said, aside from her lovely outfit, there's really just no saving grace for her. Shortwave is the spellcard that grants you the ability to shoot from your ass, right? It doesn't stick well with my way of playing, not to count how awful the bomb is.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Byakuren's Light Malestrom card I'm planning on bombing. Same for the nonspell where she circles the screen. In fact, the only cards I will feel bad about bombing on are Flying Fantastica and Devils Resuscitation.
You must mean "Devil's Recitation", that's one accursed spellcard which took 3 of my lives. Don't feel bad, Flying Fantastica is a nice spellcard; Virtue of Wind God cannot even hold a candle against it.
Zandorf wrote...
I was joking... and kinda more aimed at Jenkins, cuz he's the one that said to "don't forget that Zandwarf is still unable to utilize it yet".
What, how could you take offense from something you've admitted? Here, have a blast at your dick.