Zafhner wrote...
I think you guys would prefer if it didn't get in the flow of things, so I'd suggest taking it as a side dish of sorts - some little fun on the sidelines without hindering the usual talk.
That much is agreeable, but I'm still wondering how to spice things up. As the first moderator of quiz-run, do you have any input for that issue or should we just go with for-fun-only game concept as for now?
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Since we are going with personalities, you have to be Eirin to RinPe's Kaguya.
Don't be such a sneaky Tewi. Why do you have the same answer as Zandwarf? Answer it in more than 3 solid lines or Udonge (Zafira) will be punished to my heart's content.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
I'm scared to ask what this is. Anyways if that is your judgement how do you feel about the expression "The best laid schemes of mice and men go often awry, and leave us nothing but grief and pain, for promised joy!" You should be aware of the difference between homicide, murder, and manslaughter.
Something about "
Often things just go wrong, however well they are planned"? Honestly, I am not familiar with what you quoted, so I had to kick google a bit. Please don't hesitate to correct me in case I misinterpret it. Homicide, murder, and manslaughter are different, yes. But basically, all of them are still categorized as killing, no matter what the motive and the condition are; though the weight for each action is as different as the meanings. Just like "
result" in "Initiative, intention, motive, and effort are meaningless without desirable result", "
retribution" also doesn't come in only one form, if you catch my mousey drift.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Is that why the hakurei shrine developed hair style variation? Long-Short-Zombie-Short-Long has been in fashion recently.
It means Reimu is just in that age.

Just look at the length of her skirt in Hopeless Masquerade for a better clarification.
On another note, episode 6 is great.