Tsamari wrote...
BlinkXPoke wrote...
Yeah, not having the cards is a big restriction. Thankfully, I have friends who are willing to loan me cards, and I often have enough money to buy a few cards I'm missing. I had to buy about one-fourth of the deck I played today.
*hides underneath* >___<
[color=#ff69b4]Yeah that one thing about things like M;TG, and it's something I'll never really like, but at the same time it's something that make a card game what it is.
Your waifus well keep you safe. Blink. And you get to cuddle with them ^_^
Meh, that's true of every card game, honestly. If you don't have the right cards in Weiss Schwarz, adding some filler to try to complete the deck doesn't work that well, either. Same in Vanguard, YGO, etc. There are plenty of cards, though, in M:tG that do essentially the same thing (maybe a bit different, or maybe at a different cost), so you can fill out the missing slots with some of those and it's usually serviceable.
Like, technically, the deck I ran today actually is not complete. It needed one more copy of a card I had only three of, so I replaced it with a kind of random card from my collection. It performed a similar role, and turned out just fine.
I love them so much... ;__; *cuddles with all of them*