Lol after the first experience I was just able to walk it off, but I had a bit of trouble walking off the second one. I was very jumpy when my uncles were throwing M-5000's. In my head the I could see incident replay over and over I could hear the explosion next to me. I went inside in a tumble to sit on the couch, to better explain it's kinda like felt like when you wake up and quickly jump out of bed and feel that weird lightheaded thing. I dug in my pocket and grabbed my PSP (lol my PSP always go where I go) and plugged the headphones. I quietly yet obviously panicky scrolled to my favorite song. I closed my eyes and hit X, I had left this world lol.
Morning VUVC! What's everyone up to this morning? Also with the near death experiences that's my favorite part of life! lol Got to get scared shitless occasionally or life would be dull. lol
Umm.. Mine was pretty fun too ^_^ .. We're having a BBQ party for the night as well as the scary "truth or dare" game with about 20 people.. The only problem for me is, they're all Ren's friends, so I feel like I'm from a different world ^_^a
@miya~: Ah~ a BBQ, I always enjoy those 'cuz I get to see family and friends (it's kind of a double-edged sword though, because I don't like crowds~). I have never played truth or dare before and if I did, it'd be awful~ XD