The first near death experience occurred when my cousin (1) brought her own fireworks. She was so happy because we haven't been able to shoot any fireworks ever because of Houston's no fireworks thing. (We were at my other cousins house) Anyway she brought some Roman candles I think, but I've seen Roman candles and this sucker had a punch. I was spectating with my cousin (2) who was setting up artillery round, when all of a sudden I see something in the corner of my eye. Something blew up next to the one of the cars, I all of a sudden heard people say "point it up!" I turn and see my cousin (1) out of control with Roman candle at least 7 feet away from me.
I suppose she panicked and pointed it down, a round fired and slid towards me. Lol it barely missed me by maybe a foot. I was thankful that it missed, but no... another round fired and headed straight for my head. It swerved and flew at the car and blew up. Another round shot and came right at me, I panicked and quickly turned my body so the rocket would hit my back. I hear the rocket swish by my head and explode while the people are screaming thinking I was hit. Lol how I manged to survive is beyond me! My cousin (1) was so guilty, she at least said "I'm so sorry" at least 100 times during the party.
The second near death experience was horrible. My cousins (2) were setting up another artillery round, I was standing right next to them telling them "Hurry and load that bitch, we need a artillery strike over there!" *Pointing in some random direction* Anyway we were having trouble with our, when out of no where my uncle I think brought out his own artillery shell and placed it in another tube that we had used for our own rounds. We didn't mind, until my other cousin (3) yells "Did you put it ball up!" My uncle looks like "EERR". Cousin (2) wasn't paying attention and trying to get the lighter to work, Lol I swear that lighter could not have turned on at the worse moment. Anyway I quickly turn to look at my uncles tube when all of a sudden the entire thing explodes on the ground. The shock wave I guess knocked me down and my cousin (2). As he fell he trip the tube with the live round inside. I could hear my cousin (2) yell "FUCK!".
I closed my eyes and covered my ears. Silence. I could hear nothing, I turned and felt a tug on my hoodie. My other uncle had grabbed me and my cousin (2). I turned at the tube and asked what happened. They told me the fuse on the round burnt itself out or something like that. They grabbed the tube and dropped the round and indeed the round's fuse had not reached the ignition point of the round. I walked inside where my grandma grabbed me and said "Aye! (Morning Stars names)". I saw my cousin (2) telling everybody how he wasn't scared, but no I could tell in his eyes that he was petrified. Because I sure hell was.
Sorry for the long story, I guess I am a bit long winded lol.