623 wrote...
AssasinZAssasin wrote...
623 wrote...
AssasinZAssasin wrote...
623 wrote...
oh no i don't know who i want and it starts in like a minute
Claim someone from the Rance Series or something? (as per your profile pic)
lol yeah I just went for Sill since I took her last game
Sill, eh? That's nice.
Man, Round openings are usually the most stressful since everyone posts real quick and if you are in a head to head competition for a famous waifu, you could lose her by a matter of seconds. (Milliseconds too)
No kidding. Fortunately the waifus I choose tend to be not well known (save the LoL ones and even then I like the less popular ones).
Could easily backfire though, because since you feel safe that your preferred girl is not the mainstream, you could easily let your guard down by leaving the girl for later and instead have her taken from you.
Like...For example, Zandorf claimed Granberia (MGQ is hardly what i call mainstream). I was wondering if i might claim her for round 4/5 or so, but turns out someone else claimed her. Well, no real reason to fret i suppose, it was my fault for putting it off.