Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


Angelized Thread This is in-fact …
Hey dudes Hey, guys:) I'm semi new here (Just fapped no account) but yeah heyxD, I'm a pretty regular/popular dude irl but hey I like hentai it's swell:D I'm not a judgemental guy and i'm pretty open minded and…
I have returned! Hey guys, just wanted to let anyone that's aware of my existence, that I'm back after a 5 month hiatus. I really don't know how I manage to survive without Fakku! for so long. So yeah... I…
So I decided to make an account Hello everybody! \o/ I decided to make an account, so I'm here... And like everyone here, I think fakku is the best!
Hi people! Been lurking for a few days now and finally decided to sign up. Nothing much to say about myself really. I'm a 20 year old from England with an interest in anime, video games, computing, s…
Hi FAKKU ;) Hi everyone. I'm not really a new member but this is the first time I'm doing an introduction here. I'm a guy, 20 this year and living in Singapore ^.^! Just checked my "Account Created" d…
welcome new friends hello i'm new to fakku be nice i love well written hentai and they have a lot here lets talk about some off the good story line hentai they have here!!!!!
Hi from Erogenesis - with free stuff Thumbnail
Hi from Erogenesis - with free stuff Hi guys, I don't make manga or hentai but I hear that people don't mind if other styles of comics get posted here. I make 3D CG comics. I have lots o…
Greetings fellow pervs! I am 18 years old, and I decided to register here because the site is awesome, and I wanted to become a part of the community. So, yeah, hello everyone :)
Greetings and Salutations! Well, as I finally have made an account on this splendid site, I thought I should introduce myself. I am a male of nineteen years of age who thoroughly enjoys most forms of hentai and anime (of course…
Hello gorgeus! Well I´m new, so I just stopped by to introduce myself!!
Hello Fakku! HI Fakku. :D I'm Ed. And yes Its an acronym of my username but it is my real nickname. I've been a lurker on this site for quite a long time but I decided to finally join the ranks a coupl…
first ever! hi. nothing much to say. first ever forum joined. 21. studying. what i like? well i think we're all here for a reason? and that's what i like =) that's about all to say?
Hi thar. I made this thread to formally say hi to everyone. I've lurked for a long time and thought I should join the forums by now. I'm in college right now trying to get a degree in computer sci…
Hello, I kinda run the FAKKU Store now No, that is not a sensationalist title...I maintain and run the FAKKU store with Jacob's guidance, as well as lots of coffee and swearing. I have been familiar with FAKKU since its creation and imple…
It's good to know... that there are others that appreciate sex accompanied by quality story rather than cheezy "pizza delivery guy" stories
Hello World! Thumbnail
Hello World! Greetings and salutations!! I've been lurking for a while in the forums before I decided to make an account (which I then ignored for a while :P ) Here are some facts about myself:…
Hi, I'm new here Hello, I'm comfortable with my username so I'll go by that. If any of the the forum-goers here have watched asdf, then they'll get the reference. My impression of the community is good so I'm glad to …
What's up? Oh man, me and introductions go together like dragonite and snowstorms. Hi, a simple trainer here, I've been going to this site for a while now (found it a few years back) so I decided to …
Hi everyone!! Hi~ I have been thinking about getting an account on here for a while, but I finally did! >< I will really enjoy meeting everyone and spending my time here I am sure!!