[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…
Hey dudes Hey, guys:) I'm semi new here (Just fapped no account) but yeah heyxD, I'm a pretty regular/popular dude irl but hey I like hentai it's swell:D I'm not a judgemental guy and i'm pretty open minded and…
I have returned! Hey guys, just wanted to let anyone that's aware of my existence, that I'm back after a 5 month hiatus. I really don't know how I manage to survive without Fakku! for so long.
So yeah... I…
Hi people! Been lurking for a few days now and finally decided to sign up.
Nothing much to say about myself really. I'm a 20 year old from England with an interest in anime, video games, computing, s…
Hi FAKKU ;) Hi everyone. I'm not really a new member but this is the first time I'm doing an introduction here. I'm a guy, 20 this year and living in Singapore ^.^!
Just checked my "Account Created" d…
welcome new friends hello i'm new to fakku be nice i love well written hentai and they have a lot here lets talk about some off the good story line hentai they have here!!!!!
Hi from Erogenesis - with free stuff Hi guys,
I don't make manga or hentai but I hear that people don't mind if other styles of comics get posted here. I make 3D CG comics.
I have lots o…
Greetings fellow pervs! I am 18 years old, and I decided to register here because the site is awesome, and I wanted to become a part of the community.
So, yeah, hello everyone :)
Greetings and Salutations! Well, as I finally have made an account on this splendid site, I thought I should introduce myself. I am a male of nineteen years of age who thoroughly enjoys most forms of hentai and anime (of course…
Hello Fakku! HI Fakku. :D
I'm Ed. And yes Its an acronym of my username but it is my real nickname.
I've been a lurker on this site for quite a long time but I decided to finally join the ranks a coupl…
first ever! hi. nothing much to say. first ever forum joined. 21. studying. what i like? well i think we're all here for a reason? and that's what i like =) that's about all to say?
Hi thar. I made this thread to formally say hi to everyone. I've lurked for a long time and thought I should join the forums by now.
I'm in college right now trying to get a degree in computer sci…
Hello, I kinda run the FAKKU Store now No, that is not a sensationalist title...I maintain and run the FAKKU store with Jacob's guidance, as well as lots of coffee and swearing. I have been familiar with FAKKU since its creation and imple…
Hello World! Greetings and salutations!! I've been lurking for a while in the forums before I decided to make an account (which I then ignored for a while :P )
Here are some facts about myself:…
Hi, I'm new here Hello, I'm comfortable with my username so I'll go by that. If any of the the forum-goers here have watched asdf, then they'll get the reference. My impression of the community is good so I'm glad to …
What's up? Oh man, me and introductions go together like dragonite and snowstorms.
Hi, a simple trainer here, I've been going to this site for a while now (found it a few years back) so I decided to …
Hi everyone!! Hi~ I have been thinking about getting an account on here for a while, but I finally did! >< I will really enjoy meeting everyone and spending my time here I am sure!!